Chapter 2

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I know that some people like to post pictures of what they thing their characters look like but I prefer to leave that up to your imagination. Unless you would like me to, then leave a comment to let me know.

Hope you enjoy the next chapter!😁


A few weeks passed and it was Eva's twenty second birthday. She woke up early that morning and began getting ready for her day. Eva was double majoring in art and management. She really wanted to go to art school, but she knew that she would need to be able to get a real job, so she needed a real degree. That morning, Eva walked to class since it was pretty nice weather. The campus was busy with students coming and going from classes, meetings and dorms, but Eva put in her headphones and continued on her route. Small trees lined the sidewalk, and Eva admired them as a gentle breeze blew by. As she was walking she looked over and saw a couple holding hands and talking as they walked. She only watched them for a moment but for that split moment Eva felt sad, but shook her head and continued to walk. She had never really even thought about having a boyfriend until Tammy had brought it up that time. At first she just brushed it off, but then she began to think about it. Tammy was right, she was lonely. Eva sighed and shook her head.

    "No, i don't have time for this." Eva thought to herself.

Eva was a bit absent minded for the rest of the day, which was very unlike her. After her class she had a shift at the coffee shop and then she spent a few hours at the library studying. After she was finished it was already dark. When she got home she began getting ready for bed but wasn't quite sleepy yet, so she decided to immerse into one of her favorite books. She sat in her bay window and tried to focus on her book but her eyes kept wandering over to the picture of her parents. She stared at the photo and her chest began to tighten. Eva didn't remember a whole lot about her parents since they had died when she was so young, but sometimes she would have dreams of the few memories she did have of them. Most of them would be nice, like how her mom and her would make cupcakes from scratch on the weekends, or how she and her dad would sing their favorite song at the top of their lungs together. But sometimes they weren't so nice. Every once in a while she would have nightmares about the night they died, or about some of the horrible foster homes she had stayed at. Sometimes she would wake up in a cold sweat, those nightmares would always make her feel so alone. But she always got up the next morning, she always pushed through on her own.

    "Maybe it might be nice not having to do this all on my own." Eva thought.
And with that she closed her book and made her way over to her bed to get a good night's sleep. As she lay in her bed she saw out her window a big dark sky, and in that sky were millions of shining stars, but there was one that seemed to shine the brightest. It felt almost as if it was shining directly into the apartment. Eva had felt a warm feeling before drifting off to sleep. That morning was just like any other. She woke up, got ready for her day and made her way over to her morning class. As she was walking she was almost trampled by another student who was jogging past. She stumbled back a bit trying to catch herself before hitting the ground when she felt an arm wrap gently around her waist. Eva looked up meeting with a pair of ocean blue eyes. The jogger turned around and apologized before resuming their run, but Eva was a bit preoccupied with trying to collect herself.

   "Are you alright there ma'am?" Asked a Man.

    "Umm.. Yes, I think." Said Eva, brushing herself off while searching the ground to make sure nothing fell out of her bag or pockets.

After making sure everything was clear she looked back up at the man who had helped her. As she looked up she met his smiling face. His smile was practically perfect. He could have made any movie star, or model Jealous. Suddenly, her phone buzzed. She looked at the clock and realized that she was going to be late. Her eyes widened.  

  "I have to go!" She states before dashing off.

The man just stood and watched her as if to make sure she didn't get trampled by another jogger. He scoffed and walked off. After getting in the door she suddenly remembered that she never thanked the man that helped her. She turned around, looking back out the window, but the man was gone.

To be continued....


Thanks for reading!💜✨

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