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Journey's End

A Star Trek Voyager Fanfiction

By Treadstone17


Present Day, 24th Century

The Klingon hybrid took in her surroundings: flat plains as far as the eye could see. Tall grass and corn stalks rising beyond the homestead where she now stood. It was a beautiful, crisp, early Spring day on Earth.

Yet for B'Elanna Torres, it might have been the dead of winter.

She looked back to the object of her attention, contemplating how quickly and suddenly everything had changed. Not just for her, but for the entire Voyager crew. No one had expected the journey to conclude the way it had. Even now, a month later, her equilibrium still hadn't righted from the suddenness of it all. It would, she knew, as she sniffed in the fresh spring breeze, but it wasn't time yet.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the tall blonde striding up behind her. Yet she didn't flinch when long alabaster fingers rested on her shoulder. She actually gave a wan smile.

"Hey Seven", she said with some affection. All the events recently had made the two women realize that they needed each other as friends.

"B'Elanna", the former drone said softly. "I called Tom as I wanted to come to visit the two of you and Miral. He told me you had come here for the afternoon."

"Yeah", the former Chief Engineer of Voyager replied in kind. "I needed to think, and I've found this is a good place to think and reflect."

"Indeed", Seven said, squeezing the shorter woman's shoulder. "It is peaceful."

They both stood stock-still, lost in thought for a few moments, just looking straight ahead and thinking back on that tumultuous day.

Without turning around, B'Elanna finally spoke again. "Why, Seven", she said, her voice cracking a little. "What the hell happened?"

Seven wrapped both arms around the half Klingon and took her into a soft embrace. "I know why, B'Elanna."

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