Chapter 2

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Voyager was being escorted by a half-dozen Starfleet Vessels, protecting her like a pack of lions protecting a cub. Yes, the wormhole that Voyager had created from the DQ was sealed, but they weren't taking any chances. There was no hurry in their journey now. Starfleet agreed that the crew should get a chance to decompress and celebrate among themselves before being brought to Alpha Quadrant reality.

In Sickbay, the Paris Family was getting to know one another, the newborn Miral instantly captivating her parent's hearts. Tom would be off helm duty for at least the next twenty-four hours.

On the Bridge, Harry, Chakotay, and Tuvok remained, along with Ensign Baytart who was doing the flying. There was easy banter on the Bridge, even Tuvok seemingly in a genuinely lighter spirit.

Neelix was busy in the Mess Hall getting ready for the Welcome Home party that evening. Susan Nicoletti, Tal Celes, Ken Dalby, and even normally emotionless Mike Ayala were all pitching in, joking and having a blast.

In their quarters, Samantha and Naomi Wildman were already packing up what belongings they would take with them when they arrived on Earth. They both had talked to her father Greskrendtregk and discussed the homecoming. Naomi was finally coming to the reality she was going to meet her father and was now very much looking forward to it.

Seven was taking a short regeneration period. She rightfully surmised the coming frenzy first at McKinley then on Earth would mean she might miss a regeneration period. She wanted to be prepared. She had set her alcove to "wake" her just before 1900.

The crew seemed to know a peace at this moment that hadn't permeated them since before the Caretaker threw the Val Jean and Voyager seventy thousand light years away just over seven years ago. It felt good.

1830 Hours

Chakotay hailed the U.S.S. Midway, the Sovereign Class sister of the Enterprise, which was the lead vessel in the little armada. Her master was Captain Geordi La Forge, the former and famed Chief Engineer of the Enterprise.

"What can I do for you, Commander?"

"Captain La Forge", Chakotay began, "request permission for the fleet to stop for a few hours? We're having a Welcome Home Party at 1900 hours and it's only appropriate that everyone attend."

La Forge thought about it for a moment. "Permission granted. Unfortunately, you are still under Quarantine until we reach McKinley, else I'd come over and party with you."

Both Chakotay and Captain La Forge laughed heartily. "I appreciate that sir. I promise you we'll make sure not everyone gets to the spiked punch. We still need someone to drive this lady home."

La Forge laughed loudly at that one. "I think that's a good idea, Commander. I'll pass that on to Starfleet. Any emergencies arise, I'll know where to find you."

Chakotay grinned at the Midway's Captain. "The crew appreciates it, sir. Thank you very much."

"No problem, Commander, enjoy your festivities, La Forge out."

"Harry, let me talk to the entire ship?"

"Aye, sir, you're on."

"Attention all hands, this is the Commander. In just under a half hour, you are all ordered to head to the Mess Hall for our Welcome Home Party. Captain La Forge of the Midway has agreed to bring our small fleet to a stop for the duration of the party. There isn't an excuse for any of you not to be there-and yes, that's an order. Chakotay out."

Light laughter wafted over the bridge as he grinned at those around him. Of course, Tuvok only raised an eyebrow, yet there was a twinkle in the Vulcan's normally stoic eyes.

"OK Bridge crew, you are dismissed while I bring us to a halt. Time to party."

Chakotay went to his quarters to change. Seven was still regenerating and the Captain was still taking her nap. As well as he and Seven were getting along in their young relationship, he still hurt for Kathryn. The last thing either of them wanted to do was hurt her. She had been his best friend the entire journey, and beyond that, he admired her and respected her like no one else he had ever known in his life. Their silent estrangement had been a bitter pill for him.

He was done changing and was going to wake Seven from the Cargo Bay so she could prepare for the party. However, out of respect and his desire to try and repair the rupture in his friendship with Kathryn, he would wake her first. The Captain shouldn't be late for the party that celebrated her incredible leadership.

Chakotay pressed the pad for entrance into her quarters. There was no response. He wasn't overly surprised. She had indicated how utterly tired she was when she went to her quarters. He chimed her door again.

Hmpf, he thought to himself. She's a deep sleeper today.

He shook his head and smirked. "Computer override lock on Captain Janeway's door, authorization Chakotay epsilon-alpha-three-seven."

"Authorization granted."

He quietly approached her bedroom. The lights were at about fifteen percent. He left the lights at that level.

"Kathryn, time to wake up."

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