The one Where Harry and Y/n Try to Make It Fit

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Anonymous asked:

ok but what about harry being so big and ur a virgin (or haven't been w anyone for a while) and he's trying to get you as relaxed as possible so he can fit in but u guys keep trying and it just won't fit bc ur rly tight. but harry isn't giving up and he's just being a sweetheart. but then he finally pushes in all the way for the first time and he's super turned on by seeing his print thru ur stomach and becomes super cocky bc you take him so well and you're his angel who now looks freshly fucked

A/N: All I have to say is that it's filthy and it's the second blurb for 'A Series Of Firsts' Enjoy 🙃

You haven't been with anyone for a really long time. And it was for two reasons. The first being that you hadn't been in a relationship where you really wanted to have sex, and the second being that you were fine taking care of yourself (and you would like to think that you were pretty good at it). You were perfectly fine up until now. And by now, you meant Harry.

From the time you met Harry to now being in a relationship together, it was like a switch went off inside of you. There was something about simply being in his presence that lit an insatiable fire inside of you. You couldn't explain it, but even the slightest touch got your blood pumping. You two had been together for a little over six months at this point and you couldn't go any longer without having Harry deep inside of you. Harry's mouth and fingers always did wonders for you, better than you could have ever done for yourself. He always knew exactly what buttons to press and how to make you fall apart instantly for him. It didn't matter if it was his tongue or fingers, Harry always made you cum hard. And as good as he never failed to make you feel, you wanted more. You wanted to be filled to the brim with his cock, and you wanted to feel his hips crashing down against yours as he pushes himself in and out of you. You knew exactly what you wanted and you didn't know how long you could go without getting it.

This desperate need for Harry led you to the position you were in now. Lying naked beneath an also naked Harry. It was supposed to be a cozy and romantic night in for you two, but after a couple drinks and many kisses in between the two of you went from simply kissing to ripping each others clothes off. When you whispered to Harry that you wanted to have sex, things got even more heated. His mission to get you naked only intensified and his lips were pressed harder against yours. Once the sex part actually came though, the mood instantly changed. Harry's movements became much less frenzied, and more languid and soft. There was no doubt that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. It was just that he wanted it to be a moment for the both of you, and your relationship as a whole. Even though neither of you were virgins, the both of you were strong in your feelings for each other and you wanted the first time you had sex together to be special. Another thing Harry made sure to take into account was the fact that you hadn't had sex in a while and it'd take a little more adjusting than normal. So, Harry was going to take his time and make sure that you were comfortable above anything else.

"I just need y'to relax f'me baby" Harry coaxes. He knew that you were tight, but this was unbelievable. Every time he went to push into you, you always winced a little bit.

"I am, you're just really big." You point out. You took Harry in your mouth before, so you were well versed in how sizable Harry was. You had no idea how big he was when it came to other parts of your body though. Whenever he tried to push into you, it felt like he was piercing into you. You'd never taken anything or anyone that could compare to how big Harry was. "M'surprised you haven't killed anyone with that thing." you continue.

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