That Time

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Anonymous asked:

For your firsts series. I wonder if Harry is into period sex. I think he is. My idea is reader is the one nervous about it

A/N: This will be the 3rd "installment" of A Series of Firsts. This concept has been in my head for a REALLY long time so shout out to this anon for dropping this in my inbox and forcing me to write it😂. Enjoy🙃

Being horny and on your period at the same time was the absolute worst feeling in the world. You were dying for Harry to touch you, but at the same time you felt absolutely gross. You also were worried about the possibility of you guys' bedroom looking like a murder scene if you did decide to jus throw in the towel and let Harry touch you. Just the thought of it could make you squirm. You thought that Harry would be grossed out by the idea of it all too but he was far from it. Harry couldn't have been more down with the idea. If anything, Harry was the trying to convince you to go along with it.

"Please." Harry begs, crawling over to where you were laying on the bed.

"Do you really want me to bleed all over the sheets?" You ask sarcastically. 

"Y'know theres a lot of health benefits to having sex when you're on your period." He says, completely dodging your last question.

"Oh my goodness Harry." You burst into laughter at how adamant he was in convincing you.

"M'serious Y/n!" He replies amusedly. "Want me to read them to you?"

"Go ahead Harry, tell me how good period sex is for me." You concede, lifting yourself up to sit against the headboard so you could listen to him. Harry quickly digs in his pocket for his phone and he pulls up the "credible" source he found online.

"Okay, so the first and most important benefit is that it can help relieve some of your cramps." He begins to read off the so called "benefits" of having sex right now. "The second is that we can have shower sex, and I know how much you love shower sex." He continues, making sure to look up at you from his phone to see your reaction.

"Keep going." You beckon for him to continue.

"The third thing would be that it helps increase your sex drive, even though you're already covered in that area." You couldn't help but laugh at this one. Simply due to the fact that he wasn't at all wrong about your sex drive. "And the last thing would be that theres a natural lubricant involved. Even though we both know that lube is the least of our concerns when it comes to sex either." Harry says suggestively, alluding to the fact that you were always nice and wet for him.

"That sounds great and all but I'm still a little bit on the fence." You admit. Before replying to you, Harry gets up and pulls you down by your legs so that you were lying on your back against the bed before climbing on top of you.

"Just wanna make yeh feel good." He whispers down to you, trapping your body beneath his. "Wanna feel good right?"  He asks, pushing his hips down into yours. The pressure you were feeling down there from not only from it being that time of the month, but also from being extremely turned at Harry's persistence was starting to really get to you. Add onto that the fact that you had all of this built up sexual frustration from the past two weeks of no sex, and that Harry was right on top of you, and you were just about gone. Without any hesitation, you hook your arm around the back of Harry's neck and you pull his face down to yours, smearing your lips against his. When you do this, Harry gladly reciprocates, pushing himself further against you. You could feel Harry rocking his hips back and forth against you, pushing his bulge directly into your center. Feeling him against you only makes you spread your legs wider for him before fully wrapping your legs around him, keeping him tight against you.

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