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Anonymous asked:

Heyy! Can you do one where Harry loves to have his mark on y/n by cumming on her and he has a public hair kink. He loves the dense Matt if her pubic hair so to mark her he always cums on her hair and everything they lazily lounge around he loves to just slip his hand inside her shorts and play with her hair pubic hair.... something like that pleasee

A/N: I have no idea why, but I just love this concept so much. It's a strong combo of smut and fluff...but mostly smut. And I'm adding this to 'A Series of Firsts'! Mainly because being accepted in this way may in fact be a first time for a lot of people, and this does involve 'Y/n' after all. Also, I'm sorry for slacking off on this writing "go to's", schedule, and motivation have shifted drastically so I've been neglecting this baby for a lil bit...but now she's back and better than ever. Enjoy 🙃

You could honestly say that when it came to being "hair down there" positive, Harry hands down took the top spot. At first you couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe that, you were lucky enough to have a partner who could care less about whether or not you had a bit of a bush down there. In the past, you've been shamed for not taking care of this "ultra-sacred" ritual that was shaving, and you were made to feel like you were in the wrong for not caring much about it. Along with being made to feel ashamed of your pubic hair, you were also neglected. After a couple times of being turned away because you weren't clean shaven down there, you just learned to get by on your own. And to be completely honest, pleasuring yourself wasn't bad at all. But even though this was the case, you still felt a little down at times when you thought about how you were deemed untouchable if you had a bush of the sorts.

Now it's not like you were completely against shaving and you've decided to write it out of your life completely. That's not the case at all. It's just that since shaving had been proven to be a bit of a task for you, you tended to put it off until you finally mustered up enough motivation (and heard it right, a lot of energy was needed for this) to drag yourself into the bathroom and meticulously shave down there. And even when you did eventually carve out the time to take care of some bush maintenance, you would often decide to leave a bit on and just make things a bit neat. Eventually enough though you were able to get into some sort of shaving regimen and it lasted a pretty good while.

Fast forward to your relationship with Harry and you were still keeping it going. This was mostly due to the fact that you and Harry were having round the clock sex. And it was some really good sex. There wasn't a time where he wasn't touching or inside of you. Now while you and Harry were beyond happy together, you still had a bit of your guard still up. Even though he'd proven himself to be one of the sweetest and most amazing human beings on the planet, you were still a bit nervous. You worried yourself over the idea that if you were let yourself go down there for even a second, you were going to be deemed untouchable by Harry. And that's the last thing you wanted. You were the happiest you'd ever been when in a relationship and you were afraid losing that. So you kept up with your shaving regimen and you made sure to keep it nice and hairless down there.

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