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A/N: This chapter isn't named after a book and doesn't have a quote. It's also twice as long as the other chapters; that's because this is actually the one-shot that the fic is based on. I've tweaked it a bit to help the flow, though. Also, please be aware that this chapter contains sexually explicit content.

On another note, don't be like Jiwoo. Use protection, my friends.

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"Worst. Day. Ever," I groaned, letting my head flop forward onto my desk.

"Aw, now that's not very nice. You get to spend an entire hour alone in detention with me and Mr Kwon. I know I'm excited." Hyuck winked and I let out another groan.

"Mr Kwon and me."

"What?" He blew a bubble with the bright pink gum in his mouth.

"It's Mr Kwon and me, not me and Mr Kwon," I corrected his grammar and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Jiwoo. No one cares." He finished folding a paper aeroplane.

"I care," I pointed out. Hyuck looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. Then, he got a wicked smirk on his face.

"Watch this." He turned to face the front. Hyuck tossed his plane into the air and it arched smoothly across the classroom, landing right in the half-full mug sitting on Mr Kwon's desk. He let out a cry of victory, pumping his fists excitedly. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, admiring the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Wow." He stopped suddenly and I froze.


"I don't think I've ever heard you laugh like that before."

"That's because you're always teasing me." I sat up straight. For a moment, his expression was almost sad. Then, he was back to his usual cocky self.

"Well, you have a pretty laugh. I like it." He blew another bubble with his chewing gum.

"Shut up." I was blushing so hard I thought the blood vessels in my face might burst.

"No way. You're cute when you blush. Why would I pass up an opportunity like this?" Hyuck planted his chin in his palm, watching me with a smirk on his face.


"Jiwoo." His eyes wandered to the notebook lying open on my desk. "Wait, what's that?"

"Nothing!" I tried to shut it but he snatched it up before I could. Hyuck began reading the poem I had written during chemistry earlier that day.


You pin me down

Like a balloon

Beneath the surface

Of the tumultuous sea

That is my life.

These foaming waves

Are just a façade I use

To protect the delicate life

Lurking beneath the surface.

Blood and bones,

Lungs and flesh.

Everything rippling,


In the Belly of a Whale ~ ldhWhere stories live. Discover now