The Fault in Our Stars

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"What a slut time is. She screws everybody."
~ John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

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Not every story needs a happy ending. The story of Im Yechan and me was the perfect example. It didn't take me long to realise that fact. I began dating Hyuck while he and Park Ruri suddenly became inseparable; it appeared things had ended up for the best.

Not every story has a happy ending that deserves one. I learned this when my dad died, and I was reminded of it again as I stood before my grandma's urn in the columbarium. I clung tight to Gangwoo's arm, my teeth digging into my lower lip as I fought back tears.

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Hyuck and his family came over to my house after the funeral. Yoonwoo had been able to come home for a few days despite the short notice. He was supposed to leave the following evening. Mrs Lee helped my mom prepare dinner for everyone as Mr Lee chatted with Gangwoo and Hyuck's younger siblings bickered about a game they were all playing on their phones. When I looked around my home, I felt as though this was exactly how my grandma and dad would have wanted things to be.

"Earth to Jiwoo." Hyuck was waving a hand in front of my face. I giggled, catching a hold of his wrist. "What are you thinking about?" He was sitting in my dad's old armchair and I was sitting at his feet.

"I'm happy, Hyuck." I was glad at the honesty in my words. "Even though I miss Grandma, I know that she'd be okay with me moving on because we're all here together. I'm happy because I have you, and I have my mom and my brothers. I have Byeolha, and Aejin, and Seungin. When my dad died, all I felt was despair. Now, though, I have something more; I have hope." He leaned forward and kissed me softly.

"Ya! What are you doing to my sister?" Gangwoo was on his feet in an instant and Mr Lee chuckled to himself.

"Gross." One of Hyuck's brothers stuck his tongue out at us. I giggled, snuggling into Hyuck's arms as he wrapped them around me from behind. "Hyung, nobody wants to see that."

"Then don't look." Hyuck stuck his tongue out in retaliation.

"The food's ready," Mrs Lee called from the kitchen. Hyuck got to his feet and extended a hand to me.

"Come on, Jiwoo." He helped me up before intertwining our fingers.

"Wait. First, let me go get Yoonwoo oppa." I turned to head down the hall and Hyuck followed close behind, still clinging to my hand.

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