IV. Ride towards Olympus

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He awoke on the riverbed where he was struck by lightning, twice. In an instant, he stood up and searched for Haidee; he searched from the stone bed towards where her horse was once leased. There was no sign of her but what was only found was her garment from where her horse was leashed and blood over the stone bed. In utter shock, Wingo knelt by the side of the stone bed while he placed her garments on top of the stone, he was numb; not even an anger or tear brewed up on his face, but he knelt there and was frozen in shock. For hours, he was there staring at her garments asking a lot of questions in his mind, he was gravely devastated.

"Wingo" a breathy voice called out to him "we searched for you ever since dawn"

Wingo did not respond to the call, even when he was being rocked by the man beside him. He stared blankly at the garments and had no will to look away from the garment. The man slapped him hard enough that he was thrown down to the rocky riverbed, but he only went back to his position and did not mind the person slapping him; in fact, for him it would be a great punishment for not being able to save Haidee being assaulted by the man whom he guessed was the king of Olympus. His dead eyes could have only repeated the face of the young man that gazed back at him maliciously.

"Wingo, it is me Orio" he pulled him to face him "what happened here?"

"She is" Wingo tried to build up energy to tell him what he saw, but his words would crumble whenever he thought of her. Orio saw the shock in his face and wanted to investigate more about it.

"You and Haidee have been gone for half of the day, what happened?" Wingo gazed back at the stone bed trying to direct Orio's attention as his reply. Orio looked at the stone bed and saw blood all over the stone bed and a white silky garment that laid above the stone bed, it gave him a hint about what had happened.

"The lustful king" Wingo tried once more to speak out, but different emotions dwell in him, confusing what he should use, he sounded choppy.

"The king?" Orio asked trying to puzzle his answers "Zeus?"

"He took her" Wingo was about to explain more but he lost all of his energy and passed out by the stone bed.

Orio immediately took Wingo and the garment back to their home. He laid Wingo on his bed and tended to his wounds. Wingo was set into the darkness, being clouded with the nightmare, repetitive sounds of pleasure and the grin from man.

"In time, you will rise up and face the man who touched her" a loud disembodied voice spoke out in the darkness

"You are the chosen mortal that will destroy Olympus" the voice spoke out once more

"Olympus deserves more than destruction" Wingo replied

Then a giant man appeared out of the darkness; the man was partly covered by the dark clouds, he had also the physique of a god, his body was the color of the ocean, and his eyes were like the sun.

"Are you a titan?" Wingo asked, he seemed unimpressed by the giant physique

"Oceanus is my name" the titan spoke and the strongest of the winds was blown around Wingo, then the darkness faded and they were above the ocean with islands around them.

"Where is this?" Wingo looked around him and he saw the different islands that was partially covered by the ocean

"This is the Aegean Sea" he replied "This is where I was born, from my mother, Gaia"

"Why have you brought me here?" Wingo replied as he continued looking at the different islands

"You are not of Greek birth, are you?" the titan asked

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