IV. A Warrior God's Promise

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Sixty days has passed since the reign of the new gods, with all of the new gods cleaning their mess and helping all of the mortals to thrive from their losses. The new gods have called the event "Olympomachy", the Battle of the Olympians, to commemorate the victory and the battle between the abusive gods. They have also sent a new caretaker for the Sanctuary of Gaia, where she finally bore the fruit that the new gods savor on, green apple.

"The land of Greece is now peaceful" Gaia says "thank you, Lugh"

"It was all because of your plans from the start that brought that peace into your land" Wingo acknowledges her appreciation, but it was not his original plan to overthrow the old gods

"Why are you still mournful, Lugh?" Gaia asks as she notices the expression of Wingo still saddened about something

"After sixty days, I had still not found Haidee" Wingo sounded like he was choking in tears "I thought I would have seen her over the Elysian fields or all around the underworld, but she was nowhere to be found"

Gaia understood his grieving well, she had also searched for her but she could not find any trace of the woman that was taken by Zeus.

"Fris has cared for you ever since she has heard your loss" Gaia tries to push him to move on from her

"I appreciate her care but I have other plans, mother" Wingo says as he stood from his seat in the Sanctuary of Gaia

"Oh, and what are those, Lugh?" Gaia asks gently

"I have to avenge my home, who lost against the Norse gods" Wingo says as he clenches his fist

"I knew that you were going to leave the throne all along" Gaia replied "may Oceanus guide you well to your destination, Lugh"

"It is you and the new gods who shall take care" Wingo says "I sense a battle from the other gods soon"

"Will you be there for us, Lugh?" Gaia asks as her invisible hand grabs onto the left hand of Wingo

"As soon as I hear that Greece is attacked, I will fly directly from the Norse back to here" Wingo promises for his protection, the promise of the warrior god means a lot for him

Wingo could not see Gaia, but he could feel that she was smiling and was relieved to hear that Wingo will be their protector.

"Will you leave immediately?" Gaia asks as her caretaker opened the gates back to Thrace

"I will hold one last feast with all of Greece at Thessaly" Wingo says as he rode on Pegasus "hope you align the lands for all mortals to travel to Thessaly, easily"

"At your request, my king" Wingo then flew towards Mount Olympus to call out to the gods for the news of his departure

He arrives at Olympus and sat on his throne, the palace was renewed with the statue of all of the new twelve gods that sat on the throne. The palace columns represented the different states and town around Greece.

"Diumene" Wingo called out to his messenger god

Instantly Diumene appeared from his first call. He wore a golden chlamys and a leather sandal. He knelt down before Wingo as his head faced downwards.

"Diumene, did I not tell you to face me when you speak?" Wingo chuckled a bit

"I apologize for my stupidity, brother" Diumene faces Wingo and smiles

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