VII. Olympomachy

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Crius broke out of the underworld through the cavern near the ancient town of Tenarus, carrying the twelve on his right hand. The other titans that were sent to Tartarus were able to be freed due to the weakened gods. Crius ran towards the Aegaean Sea to bring the twelve to their next mission, to defeat the gods that ruled all over Greece.

As soon as Crius reached the middle of the Aegaean Sea, he meets the titans that were able to break out from the underworld namely; Hyperion, Iapetus, Coeus, and Kronos who started it all. Helios rose above to the skies and hailed the coming of apocalypse, as Typhon broke out of its' imprisonment in Mount Elena and the creatures of the land rampaged all of Greece.

The twelve saw everything that had happened, they felt wrong and some felt relieved, they see that they have started to cause rampage all over Greece. They thought that if they battle the gods it would cause even more destruction to their home.

"Do not be afraid mortals" Iapetus said, with winds blowing over his thunderous voice "We will give to you the power to godhood, we must travel towards to Thrace for Gaia produces her own ambrosia, one that can be consumed by you mortals, there you will all have the power to rule the lands and the seas"

As they were about to leave for Thrace a giant hydra came out of the ocean, binding few of its' head at the arms and legs of Coeus and Kronos, and a strong lightning bolt was struck against Iapetus. Luckily, Crius was able to leave for Thrace in a haste, to battle the wit of the gods. As soon as he reached Thrace, there appeared another giant, the Hecatoncheires was sent out by Ares. The hundred-armed giant grabbed onto Crius and fought against him, Crius threw the twelve to the sanctuary of Gaia, where she hid Syceus from Zeus.

The mortals landed on the sanctuary unscathed, thanks to Gaia's hospitality, saving the children that carried the flames that she saved from Prometheus.

"So this is where Gaia produces her own ambrosia?" Diumene wandered around the sanctuary, but all that he saw was a tree that had no fruit

"Ambrosia cannot be made from that tree" a strong womanly voice was heard, her voice echoed throughout the sanctuary

"Are you Gaia, the one who speaks to us right now?" Wingo asks as he searches for her physical body

"Yes, I am Gaia, the mother of all that is in nature" Gaia spoke in a more calming voice "I have a physical body no more, I have now just become one of the land, and act as the world like how Tartarus act as the world of the dead"

"So where are is the tree that produces the ambrosia that can be eaten by us mortals?" Diumene asks impatiently

"I have only enough for the twelve of you who are here" Gaia replied "it can be found behind the giant fig tree; it has been placed over a basket by the previous caretaker of this sanctuary"

They went behind the fig tree and saw a basket that was half filled, there they saw two pieces of ambrosia. They were confused, thinking maybe they were being tricked by Gaia; to say that it was enough for the twelve of them.

"To eat the ambrosia, all must take a small piece and eat it whole" Gaia explained "It is not needed that you eat the whole block of ambrosia, if you ate that much amount, it is something I cannot help you"

"But we were told by the hymns, that those who eat the food of the gods are only the ones who are worthy of it and those who are not will get their blood turn into ichor" Aileyne reminded Gaia of the dangers in eating the fruit that was only served to the gods

"The ambrosia that I had produced are for those who are mortals who have faced dangers from their past, who have thrived from their past and finally has their resolve over their life" Gaia persuades them trying her best to allow them to become the new gods of Olympus

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