Chapter 8

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(At Maddie's apartment)
When we got to my dirty little apartment me set up the girls fort and Mackenzie went with them so me and Nia talked in my room. So Maddie she started fill me on the details of your life ok, well I moved here when I was 16 and had Laya then I lived on the streets I started crying when that happened lyrical starting getting sick and she was blue and couldn't breathe and luckily someone came at the last moment, and saved her I never thought that......i would sit there helplessly, and be watching my daughter die her lips were see through she flat lined there was blood pouring out of her we couldn't see it though they gave her blood she was barely alive the doctors said she probably wouldn't make it there was 3% of her living my heart broke. they were going to do surgery on her to find out were she was bleeding this decreased the percentage of her living during this procedure I said no they said it would be best so they took her away I ran after them anxiously trying to grab my 1 year old baby back some security guards grabbed me I fought and fought from to get lose from their tight grip they sat me down and tried to calm me down i was brawling my eyes out she had 1% chance of living. about 3 hours later they called me in my baby girl was still alive I was so happy she was on bed rest for 8 days I stayed with her night and day (I was still crying.) then we ground this apartment

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