Chapter 10 part 1

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MADDIE'S POV: lyrical? Honey? Please come out and talk to me......NO she yelled back at me lyrical was normally a very calm child she never yelled much barely ever cried.......... I HATE YOU. she screamed. I covered my mouth. LYRICAL VALENTINA ZIGGLER DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME THAT WAY AGAIN I AM YOUR MOTHER NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE.........NOW! 1.....2.....3! I busted into the room like Hurricane. I dragged miracle out of the room by her arm, I sat her on our hardwood floor we didn't have couches I told her to sit there then I walked in the closet and got A thick hanger. I walked back and I stood lyrical up and I slashed it against her bear arms I did it twice more and stopped. I went back into the room to put the hanger up she was bawling her eyes out! I came back into the living room she stood up and looked at me with her red eyes she yelled at me this is all your fault how can you hit me while you were at the post office and forgot about me I made you a special gift and it's my birthday how could you you hit me on Valentine's Day and my birthday!? And don't think I don't know you only had me at 15 or 16 my real daddy told me that you're only 18 years old now!!!! I could not believe she just said that to me! I did't cry, I did't yell, I stared at her with a stern look on my face. my real daddy told me that you thought that I was a mistake and that I wasn't meant to be here it was supposed to be you guys forever but then you had me on accident, lyrical I started that's not true I love you ve~ no you don't mommy you told me that every day but you got my birthday

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