Chapter2⃣: "Mask Of Hope"

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Three days have gone by since Namanari experience the horrible death of a Yaoguai and it's last words to her it plagued her mind for days she would hang around her master a lot she became very timid and unsure but today was the day as her master came in with a set of masks they were five of them each represents an element but one mask stand out more than the others she picked it up and put it over her face her timidness and being unsure melted away she took the mask off as she used her power to manipulate the other masks as they hovered around her the mask of fire was on the right side of her head she smiled happily but was also filled with energy as she hold the special mask "this is my mask of hope master Hart" she hold it up the mask before him and he agreed with her and never lose this mark it was created for rare and sacred wood from a legendary tree. She smiled as she was ready to test out the powers of her new masks against any one but not just anyone she points at her master as she declared a challenge which Hart accepted  she ran off to go and get the other girls to watch her match against their master they all saw that she had gotten masks and the personalities may vary depending on the mask she wore on her head. All the girls gathered around the battlefield as they cheered for Namanari smiled and waved showing her first emotion she was all fired up about battling against her master She saw Hart standing in the middle of the battlefield waiting for her she did a few quick stretches then she released her energy.

"Master I wanted to challenge you to a battle for so long and now I got these masks it's time to show you how strong I've become." The fire mask ignite as she dash towards Hart her speed was remarkable she strike multiple times at him but he blocked all her strikes then tossed her into the air she focus on the air barrier as her feet hooked the barrier as red cracks and fire appeared beneath her feet she then launched herself at him her fist cocked back. Hart ran towards her thrust his fist forward as she did the same their fists collided the impact caused an explosion the two weren't moved the smoke and dust cleared the two looked at each other with a smile their knuckles rubbed together causing sparks to flew everywhere. Namanari switch to her water mask as she did a midair flip she created two water pistols as she shoots water bullets at Hart who moved like a serpent dodging the sharp bullets of water one of the bullets cuts through his cheek which healed back quickly he summoned his pistol as he quickly fired a barrage of blue energy at the water bullets destroying them causing a massive cloud of steam.

Hart: "amazing Namanari why not try another element?" He said as he was surrounded by very thick cloud of steam.

Namanari: "you got it master." She giggled Hart felt a slight rumbling from ground then black stone projectiles came at him from all directions as it causes an explosion that blew way the cloud of mist the other girls cheered her on as she came floating down she saw her master walking the smoke with only a few more cuts on him as he smiled

Hart: "We're not done yet so come and go all out" He called her as he was now serious and the other students watched with anticipation Namanari release another wave of multi colored gemstones at him that was different from the black stone attack but her master was nowhere to be seen then she felt something chopped her at the back of the neck then everything went black. She woke up and was greeted by her master She blush and looked away she didn't know what to do or say that this very moment.

"I-I failed master, I'm not good at anything not even fighting." Namanari looked away pouting feeling down.

Namanari felt a warm hand on her left cheek that caused her to look at her master as he spoke "you did great it shows that you have got more potential than I expected, you passed with flying colors I will give you a rematch soon if that makes you feel better." He smiled at her he noticed that she's getting stronger he knew why and it's because he had embedded the masks with sage energy to keep them stable and they were resistance to rot or getting broken very easily.

Namanari giggled "aye master, where are the other girls, did they think I was strong?" She asked Hart who is her master he patted her head.

"You are strong not because you got those masks you're stronger because you trained hard and test the waters I'm proud of you Namanari." He smiled warmly then left as the other girls came in as they surrounded her they were talking about how cool Namanari looked while she was fighting she began talking back to to them as her masks hovered around her busily.


🏘️At the Mai Residents🏘️

"Koruko I heard from your grandfather that you did exceptionally well at your on your final examination I'm proud you're next in line to becoming the Shinto shrine maiden just like your mother if she wasn't in the hospital she would be proud too."

"It was because." Her father clenched his fists "because I was busy elsewhere, if only I got home sooner then I could've protected both of you because of my lateness your mother is in a coma that I won't forgive that masked Yaoguai." Koruko hugged her father as she comfort him.

"I will honor my mother's teachings and become a Shinto shrine maiden I will be the one to banish not just that Yaoguai but all of them in general" She looked up at her father who responds with a nod as they got up and went to the basement together.

(Chapter two was kinda hard because I was getting pest by my sister I will keep my chapters coming.)

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