Chapter3⃣: We're Still Friends Right?

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Hart woke up yawning he saw all the girls sleeping in his room he looked at all of them he has gotten used to this happening they were at the bat girls mansion, they were going through their ultra mode training so they called Hart up and told him to visit them so they can continue the training because they had gotten a taste of the ultra power and they wanted to train well to harness the power for themselves because they could use it to protect themselves and others against certain types of enemies that were divine beings or god level threats. There has been a lot of problems in planet Zalamir and sometimes it has to do with evil deities or certain deity hybrids so the bat girls were all meditating while they waited for Hart to come to them being patient was was the first step to harnessing the energy of a deity.

Namanari got up with the other girls as they yawned in union then they head to the bathroom and started brushing their teeth and taking a bath before going to breakfast after breakfast they headed out to the courtyard for training they were able to find it despite the place being so huge. They saw the bat girls meditating around their master as they were able to see their sparkling auras. She was stunned but she couldn't sense anything from them the energy signature wasn't there anymore "such power" she thinks to herself she checked her purse to find a note of foods that her master want since they will be leaving in the afternoon she smiled and headed out as her friend Amora who was an ice woman who still looked like a child decided to come with her Namanari was delighted since Amora was the first friend she made at her master's temple.

The two girls left going into city by an electric train since they didn't want to fly all the way to there they didn't want to freak some people who wasn't okay with Yaojings out they decided to order some food and talk while on the train to kill time.

"Master sure has a lot of lady friends he get calls around the clock sometimes he left us to complete the training ourselves." Amora placed her locked white umbrella on her lap

Namanari: "I know but he has his gets tiring at times but it let us figure out the hidden techniques he teaches, I thought that Ultra mode was a myth told in lores and legends but seeing it with our own eyes was so miraculous." Her masks floated around her slightly as she beaming with happiness.

Amora smirked "you want that type of power huh, but you shouldn't be in such a rush to get it that's why we are getting the intense body training because Ultra energy can ruin your body or destroy you completely if you're not prepared properly and once you are destroyed you're erased from existence." She told her excited friend.

"O-oh I forgot about that part.. it's that dangerous but it's worth it risks or not, but if it wasn't that risky master would've teach it to us a long time ago and those bat girls would've mastered it completely I will stop thinking about it and put it on the back burner for now." She sighed softly "I saw you sneaking into master's room last night what was that all about?" She asked smirking.

Amora blushed beat red but was still keeping her cool "it wasn't nothing master's body overheats so I go in there to cool him down and there's nothing else to it." She put her fan over her lips.

Namanari stared at her intensely but that couldn't break through the cold exterior of Amora so she gave up as their meals came so they decided to eat and enjoy the ride besides it's not everyday they get to go to a city without their master there so this was an improvement on their part.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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