The first time

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I remember the first time
That I tried to sing on stage
My voice had barely broken
At sixteen years of age

My performance then consisted
Only of the pounding in my chest
Try as I might I could not make a sound
And so it was my silence that was assessed

I remember the first time
That I jumped out of a plane
I stared down into the distance wondering
If I would ever see my girlfriend again

Then I took a leap of faith
And suddenly all I heard was silence
And even though I survived the jump
She chose to put an end to my reliance

I remember the first time
That I gripped a steering wheel
Twenty kilometres per hour had struck terror
Into what I had thought was a heart of steel

Now driving feels like walking
And I do so with just one hand
For I place the other on your lap
To tell you that you are in demand

I remember the first time
That a girl brought me to church
I could not find my faith then
No matter how hard I tried to search

And oh, I remember the first time
That I heard your fairy tale
I told you then that it was ridiculous
Only because I was certain I would fail


But now I will always remember the first time
That I let myself bleed on canvas
You sat across me
Lost in your celebration of us

My eyes gently traced the arch of your forehead
Then sparkled at the roundness of your button nose
Before settling on the divine angle of your lips
So beautiful.

And perhaps the Lord guided my hand
For they were no longer clammy
And uncharacteristically steady
With a much lighter touch than expected

I have found within me
A gentleness previously unknown
And a patience astounding
All I did was ask!

And suddenly so many pieces of my life
Are falling into place
Little little puzzle pieces
That led me to your embrace

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