I had a dream... (2)

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Are dreams messages from some greater being? Was my prayer somehow answered tonight?


We were hurtling down a snowy slope on a sled in pitch darkness.

Faster and faster, unable to see whatever we were falling towards.

The sled was unsteady, and either of us leaping off the sled first meant the other would likely face certain death.

The most vivid memories of dreams are not scenes, but thoughts and emotions.

I remember the terror. I remember my heart wrenching at the prospect of a life with you being cut so short.

But most of all, I remember one thought, so loud in my mind, it drowned out the wind and our screams.

Hold on. Just hold on.


We chose to stay together. We survived. And no words can describe the beauty of the emotion as we embraced, but I'll still try.

Absolute trust.

I guess dreams will be dreams.

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