Chapter 25

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Danni's POV

"Mum" i gasped as i looked at the woman who i had been waiting to finally get to see my entire life,she was their inside my brother's laptop, never going to get used to saying 'my brother' i mean i had no family for 20 years and suddenly i have one.

Crap I need to tell Erinn or she will flip!

"Lou is that my little girl?" She whispered and a tear slipped down her face " Yes Mum that is your little girl, but i havent been able to call her my little sister because i don't know? Mum which one of us is older ?" Louis asked all in one breath "Your older Lou" She laughed and shook her head "YAY LITTLE SISTER" lou yelled and threw himself towards me arms open wide "BIG BRO" i yelled just as loud. Mum. Hmm i'm gonna love being able to say that. Mum laughed at the pair of us.

"Dannielle can you tell me one thing?" She asked "Sure" i said, she took in a shakey breath and closed her eyes "Are you mad at me ? i mean for abandoning you?" She asked.

"Not in the least bit, i understand completely, and you couldn't have sent me to a better home if you had tried, everyone there was so kind and caring all the kids i grew up with i loved, i just thought of it as one giant sleepover with all my best friends every single day. I still live with my best friend Erinn and we shared a room from when i was about 7 and it was great. I said no to anyone who wanted to foster me because once i was old enough to know what was going on i wanted to find you, i wasnt mad at all you have a very valid reason i don't hate you at all. Mum."

I finished and by now she was full on crying "You are an amazing girl Danni"she said barely audio able "I must get it from you!" i chuckled and she smiled "Lou when you have a few weeks off can you both fly out to the UK so i can meet you Danni, and the girls all miss you Lou" She finished "Of course i will Mum, also tell the girls i miss them loads and Love them a whole lot more?" Lou said "I will!" Mum said.

We ended the skype call after about half an hour "Hey Lou can i skype Erinn, she probably thinks im dead!" I laughed and he nodded and handed me curly's laptop. I logged into my skype to see that thankfully Erinn's skype was in fact logged in. I pressed call. It rang for about three rings before she picked up,"DANNIELLE PAIGE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???" She yelled "Nice to see you too goof, and i have had an interesting could say" i said trailing off at the end, she leaned in to the camera "SPILL" she yelled once again "God woman stop yelling, Okay brace yourself, are you sat down?" i asked first, she nodded.

"Okay, well i now know my last name!" i said and the facial expresion on her face was cosmic "YOU WHAT??" she yelled.

"Stop yelling girl and yes i now know my last name!" i said "You gonna tell me what it is or?" she trailed off at the end "I could show you?" i asked and motioned Louis over with my hand so Erinn couldn't see "Okayy?" she said sounding really confused "Say hi Tommo" i said as My brother joined me on the middle of the bed as El sat at the end smiling like a goof ball at the both of us.

"NO offence but what has Louis got to do with me finding out your last name ?" She asked waving her hands around like a mad man "Okay Erinn put two and two together?" i said and pulled a face at my best friend who sat there clueless "I'm stuck, tell me !" She said and waved her hand around in front of the camera "Okay Louis is my Twin brother!" i said and Louis kissed my cheek in a brother sister manner.

"Hold the bus...WHAT?" she said then yelled the last bit "Yup, My brother" i said and poked Lou's cheek "Yup, My little sister" He said and poked my cheek and Erinn stared at the both of us "WOW" she breathed out "Can we talk later ? im late for meeting Lauren, but Lou look after her please?" She asked and nodded towards Lou "I will" he said before Erinn hung up.

I left louis hotel room so he and El could spend some time together before she has o fly back to England, I opened my room door slipped off my shoes and placed my keycard on the side board and jumped into the middle of the bed. I heard a knock at the door around five minutes later, i swung my legs over the edge of the bed and heaved myself up an wandered over to the door. I pulled open the door to reveal Liam "Hey Li, come in" i said and moved out the way.

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