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Dear Diary 

hey everyone i hate that i dont write on here a lot but it was christmas then i when on holiday with my dad. I hope you all had a good christmas and if you dont celebrate it i hope you had a good 25th of december :) not much is really going on in my life lmao. i did however  TW!!!! cut my arms, alot and ive been wearing long sleves alot so my parents dont see :/ I packed up all my christmas things and put out my normal stuff. Oh and i dyed my hair like narccissa malfoy ik im so cool lmaoo  ahah its really cool heheh imma go get pringles and then go to "sleep" like just lie in bed some more im watching free rein i recomend it its so good even if your not into horses thers also two free rein movies byeeeeee girls gays and theys 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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