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Dear Diary.

HIIII LOLOLOL erm i have other shit to talk about so imma hurry up with the high school recap lmao, BUT first a list of facts :)

- I love the youtuber Matthias 

-I love the tiktoker Spencer (the one who screams lol)

- i like murder mysterys 

-Im paranoid as shit lmao

Anyways lets hurry up and get this over with. 

After lock down had finished i started school again in year 8 (7th grade for the american girlys) It was chill for a while it was kinda awkward seeing bessie and with my fucking luck i got sat in front of her in maths :/ Then like a month into school she messaged me and said she was sorry for freaking out and she wanted to be friends again or even just not mad at each other. A few days after i got the message i replyed saying i wanted to be friends again and i wasnt mad at her and we quickly became really close again. The day after we got the bus after school to town and met up with my best friend (shes okay with me using her real name so her name is lily lmao but the other lily i will put as Lily K) and Lilys friend Rameen and we went shopping heheh. I ended up posting some pictures from the day and The lunch bunch got super mad lmao erm yeah and they all ended up hating me (except a few). Basically that lasted for ages and now im friends with everyone but Ella and a girl called erm Sophia. Me and Ella sit next to me in a few lessons so we talk a bit but were not like friends lmao. Also Bessie and me have fallen out again because i said something stupid and ive apologised and i know it was stupid but i cant help what i said but now im hanging out with her old friend group and there really nice but i hope she realises that she literally ruined my life twice :/ and i left my entire friendship group just for her then she screwed me over again :/

Thats my recap tho and now your all caught up i probably forgot some things but hay ho lmao. Anyway on to what i wanted to get on to ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS YAYAYAY im so exited i feel like christmas will save 2020 ngl also my birthdays on the 17th so like you know kinda fun and fresh hehe. i kinda dont know what to say ahh. erm i might just go but i love you all by queens <3 

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