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      On the planet of Urbanus, King Summanus sat on his throne, staring intently at the man kneeled before him. The bowed man looked up, his narrowed brown eyes gazing at the King. The two men stared at each other for a moment, and without words, an agreement seemed to settle between them.

        "Leave us," the King said aloud, his command echoing down the golden throne room hall. Immediately, guards move from their posts throughout the room and leave, their leather shoes and armor noiseless as they exit. Stephan, the King's advisor, who stood beside the throne, looks uncertain at what to do and bends down to whisper in the King's ear. King Summanus dismissed him with a flick of his jeweled fingers and the white haired man walks away, his indignant robes swishing behind him as if struggling to keep up.

        The kneeled man stood, the humble expression slowly melting off his face. The man was of medium height with brown eyes, brown hair, and tan skin, nothing besides his manner to distinguish him from any other person on the street. His manner, being constantly casual, disguised his nerves as he approached the King who had ruthlessly taken over the planet he grew up on.

      "I am Lieutenant Baily," he said calmly, "Second in Command of the Revolt of the Urbanish People."

      The King raised his eyebrows and leaned forward, interested.

      "And why has the leader of the Revolt against me, come to visit me in secret?"

      Baily twisted his face into mock offense.

     "Well," he said with innocent wide eyes, "I have a proposition for you... Join forces with the People of Urbanus and we will help you destroy the elves."

      King Summanus stared at the Lieutenant for a moment, surprised, the gears in his mind moving rapidly.

     "You're exhausting your resources here," Baily continued, encouraged with the King's silence. "And we are exhausted as well. But both of us can put our armies to good use. Right now, we are getting nowhere... Nowhere near the real goal: the end of the elves."

      "And why do you want to destroy the elves?" the King asked, tapping his fingers on the arm of his throne as a plan began to form in his mind.

     "Urbanus needs something from them," Baily divulged, "A certain magical item calls the Timegears. If you help us get that item, we will be your allies."

     The King smiled. "I like your proposition. Come back in a few days. We have much to discuss...

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