Settled in nicely

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The past two weeks had flown by for y/n. Her time spent with the avengers had pasted by in a wonderful flurry. Since her first night in the compound her excitement hadn't yet calmed down but she had learnt to control it in front of the others. There hadn't been any more incidents with a certain one armed soldier, but she was aware of the gazes that followed her around. Y/n could be stunning, and she knew it.

She had made solid friends though, Natasha and Wanda becoming especially friendly. The girls trained together mostly which meant that they had time to properly get to know each other, their strengths and weaknesses, both physical and emotional. For y/n life at the compound was still a dream. She had watched this group of misfits do good for the world for so long, looked up to them, admired them for years that it felt unbelievable that she was now eating breakfast with them. Every day she learnt more and more about the true identities of these public figures. And every day she realised how truly idiotic they all were. But she loved them. Truly.

However, the dream of daytimes with the avengers still left the night time for just herself with her thoughts, and that was never good. Y/n dreaded the nights. The loneliness of lying there, thinking. She hated it. Why did she have to think. Have thoughts. Those horrible thoughts. And so this is where we find y/n tonight. Tossing and turning in a bed far too big for one person. Her eyes darted from one side of the room to the other, desperately trying to tear her mind away from the locked up memories regarding her upbringing. She let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fuck" she muttered as she dragged herself out of bed. She sighed again, rolling her eyes at her own pathetic state as she grabbed a blanket and trotted out of her room, stealthily passing other rooms. Once safely in the elevator she pressed the button for Tony's lab. She hadn't been given specific information saying she could go in there, but nobody said she couldn't so here she was, for the third time this week.

As the lift doors slid open she wandered through the mass of metal and machines to a small pile of her own work she had discreetly hidden. Y/n always had a soft spot for things that were innocent, unfortunately nowadays there aren't many innocent things, so when she first met Tony's marvellous creation of DUMMIE she knew she simply had to have one. So these lonely nights where transformed into her own mission, to make a small DUMMIE. A miniature friend. Y/n picked up her stuff and sat on one of the countered cross legged. What seems like hours went by as she tinkered and tattered with her small precious machine.

"So your the one who's been messing with my stuff"
Came a amused voice from the door.

Y/n looked up and too her surprise saw the familiar face of Tony Stark, she was not surprised, this was his lab after all, but she did wander how long the man had been watching her before he decided to speak. The pair made eye contact, y/n at first unsure whether she would be in trouble or not, however she somehow sensed a kinder emotion emulating from Tony.

"I didn't know you were a mechanic" he said as he slowly walked to the counter she was perched on.

"I'm not" scoffed y/n "I just had a lot of spare time when I lived at shield. Gotta fill all that space with something!"

"And that something was?"


He nodded and laughed.

"Ah yes. Books" Tony smiled fondly

"Something wrong with a good old fashioned book?Challenged y/n

"No no! I just think it's cute."



Y/n contemplated this for a moment as she finished off tightening a screw on DUMMIE 2. Once finished she looked up at the man in front of her. His eyes seemed to speak a thousand words, but none of which he could fully express.

"So you think I'm cute? Because I read books?" Spoke y/n nonchalantly.

"One of the reasons." Said Tony, slowly moving closer to y/n's side of the counter.

"Go on.."

"I think your more than cute. I think your fantastic. And that's a huge compliment from me by the way you should treasure that. You may not hear it again." Joked Stark.

Y/n laughed at his comment. But internally, her brain was wiring like a humming birds heart.

He thinks I'm fantastic.

Suddenly, y/n was aware that she had been staring at Tony for far to long, and he and her were exceedingly closer than she had initially thought.

"Y/n I-"

"Tony I'm not worth it." Spouted y/n suddenly.

His face dropped, a thousand emotions crossed his face in a split second as she watched him closely. He breathed slowly.

"What do you mean? Worth it." He replied carefully.

"I mean, Tony Stark, that whatever you were going to say, or gesture you were going to make. I'm. Not. Worth. It. You heard Natasha that first day. I'm a whole lot of pretty covering a whole lot of trauma. I wouldn't be good for you."

His eyes darted from each of hers. Breathless, taken aback watching as she got up and started to walk to the door. She turned around slowly and looked at him as if for the last time.

"I- I didn't know you heard that"

"Don't forget who I am Tony. I can hear anything if I really put my mind to it. That's what he did to me, all those years ago." Murmured y/n as she started to turn around again.

"And that's why you think your not worth it? You didn't even know what it was." Tony suddenly exclaimed.

Her patience snapped. She was tired and couldn't deal with any more of this pain starting up again.

"Oh yeah?! Well what was it then. Prove to me what I know I'm not worth I-" but before y/n could finish her rant, Tony Stark had strode across the room with a passion that had been building up over the last few weeks. He grabbed her face and their lips collided. She gasped into the kiss but didn't hesitate to kiss him back. It had been so long since she had felt like his with someone. Felt cared for. But she knew she couldn't promise anything.

"This promises nothing Tony. It means nothing" she breathed into the kiss as he pushed her intro he elevator, pressing the button to his floor.

"I don't need any promises, just you right now" he smiled into her.

That was enough for y/n. She gave herself over completely, opening her mouth so that her lover for the nights tongue could slip in. Her hands gripping his hair as his own hands roamed under her top. The elevator dinged as it reached the correct floor and the pair tumbled out of the lift, Tony guiding y/n to his room, never breaking contact. The door to his bedroom burst open, but it was closed within the second as he slammed y/n up against the back of it, she jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist, gripping his biceps as he walked over to the bed and laid her down, gazing at her with his big brown eyes.

Tonight was going to be a night to remember.


Hi guys! I know this update took so long but I'm back properly now. I have a question, would you guys like proper smut from now on in these sort of chapters or just have it written like this, so no particular details? Please comment what you think! Don't forget to like and vote!

I love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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