Meet the team

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Y/n stared out the window as the car approached the much awaited view of the avengers compound. She watched with trepidation as the building looked closer. Nick watched her closely. He knew this kid. He knew she was going to say she was fine but he also knew that she was worried. Y/n had been being trained for this for almost a decade. She was prepared, but nerves are an obvious when your about to meet the fricken Avengers.

"Kid" he said to get her attention.

Y/n's head whipped round. Her hair spinning out as she did so. She gave him a small smile.

"Your going to be fine. I'll introduce you. Kick around for a bit, make sure your all settled in, and then I'll let you be okay?" He continued. For anyone else, it would have been off to see this calm, soothing, affectionate side of Fury. But for y/n it was all she had ever known. She knew of her past, of her family. But Nick was the only part she cared about truly. The car pulled up in the driveway.

"Okay. Game time. Here we go" y/n sighed excitedly. The pair exchanged one last look before getting out of the sleek black car.

"Woah" she breathed. Up close, the building was a lot more impressive. With slick corners and a modern design, the place was fantastic. Nick joined her round the front of the car and they started to enter the compound. Mansion, to be honest.

"So they should all be in the meeting room, I told them to meet there at 1pm. Which is now so shits going down If Stark decides to be funny and turn up late" Fury said with a hint of agitation. Only making y/n chuckle. She would miss this raggedy man.

As the pair turned the corner, voices could be heard from what y/n expected to be the meeting room. She breathed in. This was it.

Nick pushed the door open and the voices quieted swiftly. All eyes were on him. Y/n looked at the faces she knew so well yet had never come into contact with before. An attractive bunch she thought. The billionaire, Stark. The man out of time, Rogers. The deadliest woman, Romanoff. The god, Thor. The weird twins, Maximoffs. Then there was techno man, Vision. The soldier, Rhodey. And the falcon, Sam. But in the corner, sitting quietly, was the one she was dreading. The winter soldier. She had seen him before. When on a mission. While he was still the soldier, and not Bucky. They had worked together. She worried he would bring back some bad habits. But too late for stressing about that now.

Fury had made his way to the front of the room and y/n found that she had followed him.

"Avengers. It's your lucky day"

Various mumbles came from across the room, Fury did not usually arrive with good news.

"I have a new recruit for you"

The focus in the room immediately changed. She wasn't some random helper anymore. Y/n felt each of their eyes on her. Taking in. Raking slowly up and down her body. Checking her out. Deciding where she was fit enough to be on the team. Fury had continued to explain y/n and her background as the team finished up eyeing her down.

"Each of you have been given access to her files so in your own time if you wish, you can read up on her." Nick finished up. The openness of her files had been agreed prior to their arrival. Y/n had been forced to keep so many secrets in her life, she felt she owed to to her nee team to try and have a clean and honest slate.

The meeting was tense. She felt as if the room was far too stuffy. Maybe it was from the stares of her peers or simply the pressure of meeting new people.

"So, y/n, wanna say anything to your new team mates?" Fury said, bringing her back from her mind palace.

"Oh. Uhh yeah okay." She wasn't expecting this one. Silence. Fuck say something you idiot. " can one of you show me where the kitchen is because I'm hungry as fuck"

Silence. Then, a giggle. No. A snort, from the back of the room. Stark. He was laughing.

"Oh brilliant. I like her. Nick, you choose well. Something I never thought I would say. And yeah, fuck I'm hungry too. Come on, y/n was it? I'll give you the grand tour... via the kitchen" Stark finally said between sighs of humour.

Y/n was grateful for Starks icebreaking laughter. But she really was hungry. She smiled at Nick and the promptly followed Stark out of the room, hoping he would lead her to the kitchen.

The rest of the day was excellent. She managed to have a good conversation with pretty much every one in the team. They all seemed very welcoming. She had never had a reception like this before. When she first arrived at Shield everyone treated her like she was a China doll, ready to crack at any moment. But here, everyone had a gimmick . They were like her. She was with her people. Plus Stark lived up to his promise and showed her we're all the treats were kept in the kitchen, which satisfied her hunger greatly.

Part of the grand tour included her brand new bedroom, which by the way, is incredible. The colour scheme is changeable via simply speaking to Friday, after playing around a bit, y/n choose a pastel coloured scheme. The bed was huge and the comfiest thing y/n had ever felt in her life. The lights were controllable by remote AND speech. As well as having an on suite, on one side of the room there was huge, floor to ceiling windows, looking out over the rest compound. Exquisite.

"I know you, don't I?" came a voice from behind her. She had been so wrapped up in the magic, she had let down her guard. Y/n turned to see Bucky Barnes leaning against her doorframe.

"Correction Mr Barnes. You knew me" she replied coolly. He scoffed slightly.

"Ahh, so that means you knew him." She looked at him questioningly. "I mean, you knew the winter solider"

"Yes. We worked on a mission together briefly" his gaze faltered. So did y/n's. "But I hope you won't hold my past against me, as I certainly won't do so for you."

Was that a smile she saw play on Barnes lips just then?

He pushed off the doorframe abruptly. She breathed in quickly. Their eyes locking. He stalked towards her and grew extremely close to the girl.

A beat.

"I only look forward to the future with you doll"

And with that, he was gone.

What. The. Fuck.


Hey guys! Second chapter is here! Hope you liked it, I worked super hard. It's currently midnight lol. Make sure to vote and comment! I'll definitely take requests 🥰🥰

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