The kids got spirit

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Y/n slumped onto her bed. She had only been at the compound for a couple of hours and was already confused as hell. Who the fuck does Bucky think he is? Talking to me like that. Doll??? Seriously.

Her mind was racing with the effort of trying to take in all the events of today. Putting aside her interaction with Barnes, the day had been pretty good. She could tell she would get on well here. And after all, she was a lethal spy, she wouldn't let some one armed grandpa get to her. She slid off her bed with a grunt and eyed her duffel bag. Y/n didn't have many possessions, so unpacking was not going to be a problem. She sighed and jumped up to start unloading her belongings. Noticing a small sliding door next to the on suite she decided to check it out.

With a satisfying roll, the door slid sideways to reveal a surprisingly large walk in wardrobe. But that's was more surprising was that, it was full. Clothes of all colours, shapes and sizes filled the walls accompanied by elegant shoes and accessories with marvellous bags. Dazzled by it all, y/n let her hands trace along each item, eyeing up all the wonderful choices. She almost missed the post it note at the end of the walk way. Slowly she peeled it off the wall;

I'm no idiot y/ n, I saw your Pinterest, thought I'd  treat you. Show me you'll be a good member of the team and DONT mess it up, Coulson thinks I've gone soft >:( - Nick

Y/n smirked, Nick wouldn't admit it , but he loved y/n like a daughter, and he'd be damned if he let her walk around as if she had zero fashion sense. She giggled. This day was getting better by the second. Poking her head out of the wardrobe for a second, she scooted over to her bedroom door and shut it quickly, she'd been in her SHIELD uniform all day, it was time to try on something a little more comfortable.

After way too long admiring her new clothes, she picked out a simple pastel jumper,a good few  sizes too big for her so that it went down to her mid thigh, she added some bicycle shorts under it because well im not a total slut.. yet and quickly plaited her hair. While stating at herself in her new floor length mirror she almost shit bricks when FRIDAY suddenly informed her that the group were about to have dinner.

Now y/n was not the most girly of girls but she was so excited and worked up for her first evening with the avengers that a small "eeeeekkkkk" did escape her lips. She slipped on some fluffy socks and ran down into the elevator on, pressing the ground floor button wayyyyyy too many times.


The avengers were a perfectly trained bunch. Filled with assassins, mutants, super soldiers and geniuses, prepared for anything. What they were not prepared for however was the squealing young girl that came sliding into the kitchen area like a puppy on steroids.  Y/n slid into the room, almost knocking herself over in the process, this girl was an excellent spy, but not really excellent at acting mature.

"Hi guys, how are you. I just found the wardrobe that Nick left me?!?! Really fantastic by the way. So. What's for dinner. Because, I'm really craving chinese take out but yanno, whatever floats your goat!"

Shocked silence filled the room. You could almost hear the girl buzzing with excitement.

"Floats your.... goat?" Were the chosen words by Steve.

Y/n faltered for a second. Ahhh shit. I came on too strong. I knew I'd blow this. However her thoughts were interrupted but the sudden eruption of laughter that emerged from the team. Clearly she had come on just right.

After the laughter died down, her choice of food was finally addressed.

"Yeah sure whatever food you want y/n. Just ask FRIDAY and she'll get it delivered as soon as possible" said Stark

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" Y/n squealed yet again. "Ugh this place is just like I imagined." She was in a world of her own. Suddenly off on a tangent to FRIDAY about what food she wanted to order.

"By gosh I like that girl" cried Stark in a loud whisper.

"Yeah, the kids got spirit." Added the captain.

"Did you read her file yet?" Cautiously asked Natasha. A mix of shakes heads followed. " she's a tough kid. Had it real bad."

"What do you mean?" Asked Clint.

"Remember how I was brought up in the red room? The procedures. The tests?" Natasha explained. Various nods pushed her to continue. "Well that's like what happened to her. Except it wasn't a school. It was one man. One place. And no expertise. This girl was tortured you guys. That's a whole lot of pretty covering a whole lot of trauma."

"Hey that should be our logo!" Tony exclaimed.

As you can guess, many eyes were rolled.

"Damn that's harsh." Murmured Steve.

"But like you said Captain. She's got spirit. She's been raised by Sir Nick Fury hasn't she? She's got to be a fine maiden then. I'm sure we have nothing to worry about" boomed Thor in a far too loud whisper.
However, before the team could react, that angelic voices filtered back into the room.

"Guys, guys, hi. Hey so, i don't know what you guys normally do at night but, maybe I don't know do you wanna watch a movie because I wanna watch Lilo and Stitch if that's okay. Is that okay? Okay let's watch it. I'll go set it up. I brought my own dvds. Nick bought them for me okay. Okay. Bye"

This girl was going to be the death of them all.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter has been a bit late. I promise the story will really pick up in the next chapter. And there's some spice coming next as well. Remember to comment and vote! I love you all

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