Chapter 3

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    The next day, the four high schoolers got ready for school. They walked & conversed until it was time to break up the group. Yuuji walked to Jozenji, Akemi walked to Aoba Johsai, & Tsukishima & Yamaguchi walked to Karasuno.

    When Tsukishima & Yamaguchi arrived at Karasuno, practice had just started.

    "Why are you two late?," asked Daichi, once the two walked into the gym.

    "We were walking some friends partially the way to school. They were upperclassmen & they needed a place to stay for the night," said Tsukishima.

    "I'm late because I was walking with Tsukki, as usual."

    "Well, that is oddly kind of you Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, you could've been here on time if you didn't walk with him. Tsukishima, do five laps to warm up. Yamaguchi, you do twelve laps. I know you aren't usually late like this, but I feel it is kind of nessesary."

    "I understand, but could I talk to you after practice."

    "Of course. Now you should go do your laps."


    After practice, Daichi went up to Yamaguchi.

    "You wanted to talk to me?"

    "Yeah. Can we talk outside?"

    "Of course."

    The two boys walked outside. Daichi & Yamaguchi faced each other, but Yamaguchi didn't make eye contact.

    "So what's up?"

    "U-um, I wanted to, t-talk to you, about why I was late. Now, I did walk w-with Tsukki today, as always. But I should tell you exactly why. I, um I-I, I stayed over at Tsuki's house, because of bad people by my & my mom's apartment. S-sorry I wasn't honest earlier."

    Daichi was quiet for a long while, until he said, "Yamaguchi, are you alright?"

    Yamaguchi replied, "I'm fine. I just need to get the timing right."


    "Yeah. It happened a lot back in elementry & middle school. I just need to get the timing down with my normal school schedual."

    "I, don't know how to handle this. You should really talk to Mr. Takeda or Coach about this."

    "I know. I'll tell them eventually. I just thought that someone should know. Plus, I felt guilty for lying earlier."

    "I know. Just promise you'll tell Coach or Mr. Takeda. Alright?"


    "Good, good. Now let's get ready for class, shall we?," Daichi says as he pats the taller boy's shoulder.

    "Will do."

    Then, the two boys walked to the locker room to get ready for class. When they walked in, Tsukishima gave Yamaguchi a questioning look. Yamaguchi just smiled back, signaling that everything was ok. After everyone was done changing, they went to class.

    Class was average. The only thing different was there was a new unit that started in Japanese Lit. for first years. Other than that, people just did their usual work. Well, as usual as you could get. Of course, everyone was waiting for lunch time.

    At lunch, Yamaguchi decited to text Terushima, to ask how he was doing. Yamaguchi knew that the older boy went to lunch ten minutes after him, so he was prepared to wait. In the mean time, he decited to play with his hair. He eventually pulled it back into a tiny bun with two small hair clips on either side. When Terushima did text back, he sent the green haired boy a picture of himself with two other second years. Then, the two chatted with each other the whole lunch period.

    As Yamaguchi was walking back to class, he saw Yachi.

    "Hey Yachi!"

    "Oh hey Yamaguchi. You need something?"

    "Oh no. I just saw you & thought I should say hi."

    "Ahh. Well hi to you to Tadashi. Now we should get back to class now," said Yachi with a smile.

    "Right! Let's get to class."

Not as long as I would've prefered, but that's alright. Anywho, do ya'll know the hair that people use in punk Yamaguchi art? Well I got that done to my hair today (& it was a little painful, but worth it). I got it to about the same green & you can only see a little bit of my former red, purple, & light aqua coloured hair. Now, I wanted to read instead of write tonight, but I thought that I should write, since I was almost done with this chapter anyways. Also, this is a fanfic I don't have much modevation for, which I think is unfortunate. As always, go drink water you silly willies.

- Big Sibling Authour

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