Chapter 12

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Tw: talks of sh (because of last chapter)

    The next day, Yamaguchi woke up early to change his bandages, which luckily, he didn't need to get Nanami for. Although, it did take him a few tries.

    Once he rebandaged his wounds, he made himself breakfast & lunch, & lunch for Nanami, which he put extra food in as a thank you.

    Once he was all packed up & ready for school, he walked off to the train. Seemed like Yuuji & Akane weren't going to be walking with him. Good thing too. The train station was fairly crowded, Yamaguchi would've had to navigate himself, & two other teenagers, who are older than him, through a crowded train station, in a bad part of town.

    The train ride & the walk to Karasuno was fairly uneventful too. Although, Yamaguchi did run into the third years, who were walking to morning practice together. When Yamaguchi remembered about morning practice, his eyes widened in worry. How was he going to hide his injuries? He doesn't have any elbow pads & he doesn't have a long sleeve shirt with him. He eventually decided to just make up a lie, but that would be tricky, because of Tsukishima, who knows too much about Yamaguchi's life to be easily persuaded by a lie.

    That worried feeling went away a little bit by the time Yamaguchi arrived at the club room, mainly because he was a little late. Just like the last time he was late, Nishinoya was the last person in there, besides for Yamaguchi.

    "Huh. You're late again Tadashi? What are the odds of that!," said Nishinoya is a very obviously fake happy tone.

    "Are you ok? You sound a bit worried. Did I come in unexpectantly?," asked Yamaguchi.

    Nishinoya adverted his eyes from Yamaguchi's.

    "It's not that. It's a secret. A big one! That only my family, Tanaka, & Asahi know. If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, or else I'll make you do a hundered laps!"

    "Got it. Not a word."

    Nishinoya took a deep breath before he told Yamaguchi his secret.

    "I'm trans," said Nishinoya.

    Yamaguchi looked puzzled for a second before saying, "That actually makes a lot of sense, like why you tend to change by yourself. It was cool of you to tell me. I won't tell anyone."

    "You better not!"

    With that, the two boys changed, & before Yamaguchi can leave the club room, Nishinoya stops him.

    "Hey Tadashi. Where did you get those scraches in your arm? You got a cat or something?," asked the upperclassman.

    Yamaguchi hadn't prepared to tell anything about them, or talk about them, so soon.

    "Oh, no. I was just trying to fix something for my neighbour, & my arm got scratched up in the process."

    "Oh, ok!"

    After that small encounter, Yamaguchi's worried slowly decreased. That was until he walked into the gym, & everyone could see his arm, although he was surprised that no one really payed attention to it, until he tried to recieve a volleyball, & said volleyball opened up his cuts, which started bleeding onto the floor, which caused everyone to look at Yamaguchi.

    Kiyoko was quick to react when she saw blood. She ran over to the boy almost immediatly, grabbed his arm with a rag, asked Yachi to clean up the small puddle of blood, & asked Tsukishima to help her as she lead the green haired boy outside.

    "Tadashi. Why does your arm have so many scratches on it?," asked Tsukishima.

    "Because I helped Nanami fix a cabnet last night, & it kinda fell on my arm at one point," replied Yamaguchi, hoping that the blond would believe him.

    Tsukishima looked at his best friend suspicusly, & made sure to remind himself to ask Nanami about it later, & why she didn't just ask Yuuji or Akane to fix it for her.

    After Kiyoko finished cleaning & wrapping up Yamaguchi's arm, it was almost time for class, so she told the two boys to go ahead & change & she would tell Daichi where they went.

    When the two were in the club room changing, Tsukishima decited to ask about Yamaguchi's "scratches."

    "So, are those really scratches? They don't look like it."

    Yamaguchi's eyes widened a little bit.

    "Oh, no. They are scratches. I'm not really that good at handy work."

    "Right. I'm just saying, those looked a little deep to just be scratches. Are you sure you're telling the truth?"

    Yamaguchi took a deep breath & looked at Tsukishima with eyes filled with worry.

    "How about you come over after school, today. I'll tell you then."

    "I can settle for that. I'll tell my mom later."

    "Ok Tsuki."

    Then, the two walked to class together.

Hey! I just had a nice conversation with a former fanfiction writer. She was really nice too. I don't know how people do self inserts. Honest! I've tried too. Anyways, I'm feeling sea sick (I was on a boat over twelve hours ago at this point, & I still feel sick. I've taked way too much ibprophen & tums to be healthy, But I really don't like throwing up. It fucks up my sensory issues & I genuenly am scared of it. It just feels so gross! Ok, enought about that! The only reason I even wrote this chapter is because I'm in an unfamiliar environment & I can't sleep in unfamilliar environments willingly, so I'm just laying here in silence, feeling sick, unable to sleep properly, & trying to write to pass the time. Anyways, be like me earlier & DRINK WATER!

- Big Sibling Authour

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