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"She'll like it here, it'll take a bit, but she will. Just look at the trees here!" I picked up from my mom.

"Yeah. I don't think so." I said as I uncovered myself from my blanket and stretched myself across the seat.

"I thought you were asleep." Mom said turning behind her seat to see me. Dad looked at his rearview mirror and locked eyes on me.

"Well look whose up, sleeping beauty." He smiled, knowing I would hate that.

"I was asleep, but ended up waking up with the banter you guys were having." I stated as I charged my phone that was taking his last breathes before dying.

"You know your Mom loves to argue with me."

"Well if you weren't so stubborn Rafael then I wouldn't have to."

"You both stay arguing." I mumbled as I observed the scenery. Mom was right, it's pretty. The tall tress just disappeared as we kept driving. Leaves decomposing on the ground as the sun was about to set. It was January and the weather was surprisingly nice.

"You will understand once you get married." Mom stated, knowing I wasn't fond of the subject.

"Yeah, No. I doubt that. Lets be realistic, I will probably end up dying alone in a cabin with my dog." I kept staring at my window, when I saw the Beacon Hills sign. What a odd name to name a town.

"Alejandra." Dad firmly said my name, disagreeing with my future plans.

"Let's not start right now. Please." Mom attempted to butt in before we started arguing. I was ready to start arguing, to be honest I was in a mood to pick a fight. I'll let them do the picking though.

"Gina, she knows she has a duty to our family. She just wants to be stubborn." Dad raised his voice and clenched the steering wheel.

"I'm not a cow that you can just breed. It might be unbelievable but I have emotions. And I don't see myself getting married, especially having kids. They are snotty parasites that take up your time, money, and energy. I have cousins that can keep the bloodline going, I'm not needed." I matched Dad's voice.

"You are the oldest, its your responsibility!"

"I didn't even ask to be born. Mom should have just swallowed me or fallen down the stairs." Oh I didn't think this one through.

"Alex!" Both my parents yelled my name. But hey it worked like I wanted it to, they stayed silent the rest of the drive there.

The drive there was uncomfortable to say the least, but it was only around 45 minutes. My parents stayed silent, probably contemplating why they had me. I just enjoyed my view. When we pulled up the driveway I could see the house better. It was a pretty sage green house with white trim. It wasn't as modern as my old house, but I liked it better. It was a decent size and the neighbors weren't too close to us. It had two pretty bushes outside and a ceramic frog next to the pathway to the porch. The frog was plump and it was in a laying position. It made me want to giggle, but I held them in. That frog might be my favorite decoration in this house. The movers had moved the majority of our things yesterday. So we only had a few boxes with us. My car was here already. Mom's would be here in two days.

We got out the truck and each grabbed a few boxes, so we wouldn't have to make more trips back. Dad opened the door and I fell in love. The interior of the house was beautiful yet had a homey feeling. The walls of the house were mostly an off white and light gray. The living room was spacious, it also had four bedrooms, three restrooms, an office, and a bar area in the basement. What I loved the most was the kitchen. It matched the exterior color of the house and had black countertops. Maybe moving wasn't so bad.

"Can I pick my room?" I said looking up the stairs. My parents were placing the boxes at the bottom of the staircase next to mine.

"Yes, we have the master bedroom though."

"Say less!" I ran up the stairs, looking for the furthest bedroom away from my parents.

I need my space from them, I'm not the happiest with Dad right now. Indeed I found the furthest room from them. It was a spacious room with a queen bed, desk, conveniently the movers had placed my TV in here already. I'm assuming Mom already knew I would pick this room. I brought up my boxes from the living room and started unpacking. I love to pack, but hate unpacking. Its just so time consuming and daunting. After four or five hours of me empting the boxes on the floors, taking breaks while I laid in the floor, and my dad yelling at me to get back to work, I finished. I just needed to shop for some decorations to make it less bland. I could go shopping after school. School. Oh god I start school tomorrow. And I don't know where my bag is.

"Mom do you know were my schoolbag is!" I yelled as I went down the stairs. Yet I received no response. I followed the voices to the kitchen and found my parents.

"Mom do you know where my bag for school is?"

"Mmm. I believe it is.." She closed her eyes thinking.

"In the laundry room." Dad finished her sentence.

"Thank you!" I was on my way to leave when Dad stopped me.

"Alex you know the rules for school, right?" Dad crossed his arms and leaned against the counter as Mom finished stocking up the fridge.


"Which are?"

"No eavesdropping, no super strength, and to give vague answers." I stated boringly, Dad had given me the lecture a week before we moved.


"No eyes." I finished before he could and shifted my brown eyes to the cold blue ones."

"Alex!" Mom yelled this time.

"I know. I know. I'm just messing with you guys." I shifted back to my mundane brown eyes.

"Well tomorrow is my first day at the hospital and will be out before you wake up. So have an amazing day mija." Mom hugged me and twirled my brunette hair. I had to break our hug because she wouldn't.

"I will try to, no promises."

"I'm gonna drive your mom to work and then go to the firm. Behave tomorrow please." Dad begged.

"Like I said, no promises."

"Also remember we invited the Alpha to come to dinner tomorrow, so please be here on time. We need to be in good terms with our surrounding werewolves, we don't want trouble." Dad reminded me of the boring dinner.

"Will do. Goodnight." I said goodbye and went to the laundry room then back to my room.

I laid in my bed pondering all the terrible things that could happen tomorrow. I lifted my gray duvet cover over my shoulder and cuddled into it. I hope tomorrow will be a good day, maybe I'll make a friend. I need something to keep my mind off my crazed dad. Soon enough after a few more minutes I felt my eyes start to droop, but they shot open when I heard the echoes of a scream. It ran shivers down my body, but I decided to ignore them. They were unfamiliar so I went back to sleep.

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