Thin ice

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"How come wolf's bane didn't have any affect on you?" Scott asked, laying on my bed.

"I don't really know. I found out when I was 12, when my grandpa tried to punish me and my cousin. He had these blankets with wolf's bane fibers that he would use to punish the older children when they misbehaved. They would lay the kids on the bed and drape the weighted blanket over them for 5 minutes. Lets just say he was angry when it didn't work on me." I said slipping on the tan floral dress in my closet.

"That's...horrifying." Stiles chimed in, probably playing with the snail glass figurines on my plants.

"Do you think he still suspects you are a werewolf. I didn't think he knew of me, yet he stabbed me last night." Scott reminded me what had happened with Gerard.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he did." I said walking out my closet. Putting my earrings in.

"That's a short dress don't you think?" Stiles said. Putting down my snails.

"I have a shorter one." I smiled pointing at my closet.

"Just stick with this one." Stiles groaned.

"By the way. What is Isaacs's jacket doing here." Scott points at it, hanging from the chair on my desk.

"He left it here a couple of nights ago." I said. Letting my hair down from it's braid.

"What was he doing here?" Stiles raised a brow.

"He was checking on me." I calmly said fixing pieces of my hair.

"Wow. So nice of the fugitive to do." Stiles added his daily dose of sarcasm.

"Just be careful." Scott grinned.

"Damn I didn't know I had three moms." I said putting on my necklaces.

"Funny. Lets go to school." Stiles pulled Scott from the bed.

"We'll be downstairs." Scott said getting dragged.

In math we were doing simple equations on the board. Yesterday the teacher said to have five equations for today. Practice for the test we would have in two days. In this class I sit behind Scott and Stiles usually sits next to him in the next row of seats. Though he wasn't here yet. Stiles is usually the first to get here.

Speak of the devil. He came rushing into his seat and turned to face us.

"Guess who's here?" Stiles said out of breathe.

"Who?" I asked looking at Scott to see if he knew.

"Isaac. I just bumped into him and Erica." Stiles widen his eyes. Remembering the encounter.

"How?" Scott asked confused. So was I Last time I checked he was still a fugitive.

"He somehow got Jackson to clear his name." Stiles answered catching his breathe back up. And in came Jackson. Taking a seat across me and behind Stiles.

"What's a kanima?" Jackson asked confused.

"Where did you hear that?" I asked back. Jackson looked at me and paused. He was nervous.

"I overheard Isaac and Erica saying they were going to test Lydia in chem class to see if she was the Kanima. They also tested me for it last night. I was paralyzed." Jackson said quickly, making eye contact with Scott. I listened for a lie. His heart wasn't completely steady, he was hiding something.

"Test Lydia?" Stiles arched his brow.

"Yes. That's what I said. Now what's a kanima?" He asked again, more annoyed this time.

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