Chapter 21

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Kaylees P.O.V

"I'm gonna....." I started.

"Go" I finished.

They looked at me confused.

"I'm- Im going to go live down in Australia" I said shocked myself as to why I wanted to.

Tears gathered in both of their eyes. They looked heart broken. I felt bad, but I need a new start. I am tired of being little Kaylee. I need to get away from here, and this is my perfect escape.

"If that's what you want" My fake mom said.
(A/N... I don't know what to really call her fake parents. Like fr😂😂)

"That is what I want!" I said not regretting one word.

She nodded. "You leave tomorrow for the airport at 7pm. Sorry for the short notice, we didn't expect you to want to go." She said sobbing.

"Well I do so move on" I said pissed off.

She looked hurt.

"I'm sorry it's just I need to get away for awhile." I said while patting her back.

She softly smiled. "Ok" she whispered.

I got up from the couch, and made my way up stairs. I got my huge suitcase and started packing my clothes,shoes,makeup,etc. I'm assuming, the rest of my stuff will be shipped down their shortly after.

After packing, I laid down and watched tv for a little bit before drifting off to sleep.

//Next Morning\\
I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up and went to my closet and picked out my clothing for the day. There wasn't much to choose from, seeing how I packed majority of my stuff. I picked out my plain white crop top with black high waisted shorts, with my white Jordan's. To top it off I got my black SnapBack and placed it on my head.

As I was finishing up my make up, I checked the time. It was 10 minutes before I had to be at school. I didn't bother grabbing my backpack, since today is my last day. I rushed out side and jumped in my car and took of towards the school.

I made my way in to the so familiar halls of the shit of a school. I walked into the cafeteria and all eyes went on me. I just looked down not in the mood to mess with anyone today. I went over to the Crews table and sat down they all looked shocked that I was sitting with them. Especially Austin. I gave them sorrow eyes.

"Look guys I'm sorry, I have been shitty lately. I just haven't been in a good position lately and I just wanted to apologize." I said while looking at every single one of them then noticing Crawford was sitting with them.

Wtf? I thought Austin hated Crawford. Ehh whatever I don't even care.

"We are just glad your back Kaylee" Alex said.

"About that..." I said with sad eyes.

They all looked scared.

"I found out last night that I was adopted. My real parents are in Australia, and they want me to come live with them." I said.

They looked like they were about to cry.

"So I am" I finished. Tears fell from all their eyes.

Next thing I know Austin gets up from the table and runs out of the cafeteria.

"Should I-?" I started.

"Go talk to him" Robert said.

I smiled lightly. "Ok" i softly studdered.

I got up and walked out of the cafeteria and outside to look for Austin. I saw him sitting by a tree. I make my way over to him and smile. He looks down when he sees me.

"I'm sorry Austin"

He grips onto me and gives me a huge hug. I wrap my arms around him. I feel his hot tears hiring my shoulders, making me shed a few tears. I pull back looking at him and cupping his checks, while gently placing my forehead to his.

"Just know I will always love you" I say while giving him a peck on the lips.

"I love you too" he says faintly.

I smile and grab his hand and intertwined them and we walked back inside. Just as we walked in the bell rang signaling for us to go to class. I kissed him on the check and we went to our separate classes.

//After School\\

The last bell rang for the end of the school day. I felt my heart sink. This is going to be my last time seeing them for a long time. Or maybe forever. I walked out of my class and over to the crew they all started crying.

I gave them each and individual hug.

"I'm gonna miss you all" I said while tears racing down my face.

"We are gonna miss you to" they all said in sync.

I walked over to Crawford and said "I'm sorry for playing you like that! I hope he can still be friends!?"

He smiled and said "Of course" he missed my check and gave me a long hug.

I then walked to Austin and gave him a long passionate kiss.

"I'm sorry but I had to do that one last time" I said while smiling. Tears still flowing down both of our faces.

He smiled. And hugged me.

We all got together and did a group picture. It was then time for me to go home.

While walking out the school doors I looked at them and said "I love all of you and I hope I see you soon" they all smiled.

I walked down to my car and drove off. God knows the next time I will see them.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! I hope you guys liked it!! I cried a little writing it so!! I hope you enjoy and I should update again soon!! Plz favorite and comment- Maddie😍😏💘

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