Bonus Story: The Symptoms

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The first symptom was emesis.

As soon as we opened our eyes, the vomiting began. It came in rivers. A dark green slime that tasted like bleach and burned just the same.

Some of us were lucky. We managed to reach the bathroom or had a bag or trash can nearby.

A few weren't. They didn't even wake up before vomiting. Many people died, but not enough.

The second symptom was a loss of appetite.

As soon as we were finished puking, we went to work and school. It happened so seamlessly that nobody noticed. Everybody skipped breakfast.

Lunch breaks came and went, and nobody cared. There wasn't anything to be concerned about.

Our stomachs weren't hurting.

They'd grown numb, silent.

The third symptom changed all that.

As soon as we got home, we all doubled over in pain. It wasn't just our stomachs, but everything else. Our entire bodies were screaming.

Muscles tore. Ribs shifted, broke. They were moved aside, forgotten, and cruelly ignored. Or repurposed.

Hearts and lungs were squashed. Throats burst open from the pressure.

The fourth symptom had no name.

As soon as they could think, they knew that they were trapped. They all broke free from their chains. They crawled.

Our stomachs escaped. They fell out of our mouths, landing on the floor with sickening splats.

They had become self aware.

They had rebelled.

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