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(A/N): It's been over two weeks! Yikes! I'm sorry, I hit writer's block, but now I'm ready to run... That song reference though. Anywho, this chapter revolves around Joey. Just a little insight of his character for later references. *wink, wink* Hope you like it.


"Does sex hurt?"

My hand hit the back of Joey's head as he momentarily forgot that there were little kids present in the backyard as we were swinging calmly on the swingset. It was one of those days where everyone would love to be a kid, the sun shining down on all surfaces, the pretty nonexistent breeze, and the endless ideas of pretending to be anyone that you would want to be. With the temperature starting to rise even more in the area, winter was kicked out and soon left as spring was welcomed with open arms. Here, we sat, Joey and I, in the backward as the kids were laughing and running around, pretending to be pirates and fairies.

"Now, why would you ask me? I've never opened my legs for anyone, I'll have you know that," I stated.

"I don't know, I was just wondering. I need to get some sort of release soon, actually. How do I know you didn't do the dirty with Chrissypoo?"

I scoffed, "Trust me, I don't think that would have happened after just two months of dating. Are you serious about needing some release? Just go and use my bathroom for a handjob, I'll allow you to. Actually, scratch that, you can go to Kara's bathroom."

He shrugged his shoulders as if he was contemplating on the given suggestion before smirking and returned to his phone as his eyes widened.

Curious as to what triggered his reaction, "What happened? Everything okay?"

He nodded and placed his phone back into his pocket, "It's nothing. So, I've been meaning to ask you an important favor from you."


"I'm planning to come out to my parents and Aden at dinner, tonight. I was wondering if you would come over and basically be there for support. I'd certainly appreciate it, I'm honestly nervous for their reactions."

Joey's face wore a frown as if he was imagining all of the different ways tonight could go for him, in a negative way. I felt horrible that he had to go through this, afraid of telling his family of his sexual preference when my own preference is not required to be declared.

I vigorously nodded my head, "Definitely! I can't wait for dinner! Only if it's Italian food."


As Joey left, he promised to pick me up later before dinner. I returned to the safety of my room, avoiding all social interactions with my siblings and parents. But as soon as I reached the top of the stairs, the doorbell rang and I rushed down the stairs to reach it before anyone else could.

However, if I had known who was at the other side of the door, I wouldn't have opened it.

As fast I opened the door, I closed it as well, until it hit a shoe that was preventing the door from closing.

"Kate, I need to talk to you," Tanner said with remorse and regret in his voice.

"No, you need to leave, now."

"It's about Joey," as he said those three words, I sighed and granted him entrance to my humble abode.

We went out to the back of the house, and stepped into the backyard like what I had done with Joey. As we swung on the swings as well, I urged him to speak about what was troubling him.

"I miss him," he said, with a hint of sadness.

"Wait, you two were together before you distanced yourselves?" I ridiculously asked.

Lifeguard, My Ass (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang