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(A/N): Hope you're enjoying your holiday break so far! Here is my late present to you...


Let's just say that for the entire week of band camp, it was a living hell for me.

I shake my head, not wanting to think back to the week of band camp at all, and return my attention to the task at hand.

It was a week before the start of the school year and also the night of our first football game. Everyone was a wreck around me, especially the new members of the marching band, afraid to miss their dots or how to play their music. I had to make sure everyone in my section was fitted correctly for their uniforms and reminding them constantly not to forget to load their instrument onto the truck.

And there is always that one person that forgets everything that they are told.

Earlier in the week, during one of our evening practices, we had to sign up for which bus number we would be placed on. Joey and I always sat with each other, and we were always placed onto bus number one. The entire band piled into their assigned buses, and we started on our one hour journey to Tampa Bay High School.

Needless to say, it was going to be a long ride.

During the beginning of the bus ride, I had explained to Joey that I wanted peace and quiet for today. So naturally, he bargained with me and I was able to get at least a half an hour of serenity as I sat closest to the window.

And during that well spent time, I placed headphones into my ears and thought about the many feelings I had at the moment.

As much as I tried to not think about it, he always crept into my mind, Chris.

During and after that week of band camp, he couldn't talk to me, much less look me in the eyes. Which helped in my favor because I was trying pretty hard to put distance between he and I. For the friendly games, we would act so strange towards one another, like nothing ever happened, which was worst than the avoiding of one another. Because, it was fake, the high-fiving one another, and acting like best friends. I'd much rather feel alone than have to pretend like everything's okay. It had me thinking back to the first day of games...

"So find the people who sat at your lunch table yesterday!" Mr. Goodwin announces.

Joey rushes over to me, excitement written all over his face, "This is going to be amazing. How lucky am I right now?"

"Pretty lucky..."

We found Lacy and Iliana with Chris and Tanner.

Joey immediately rushes over to Tanner to flirt with him as I walk over to the girls.

"Hey guys."

"Hi! This is going to be fun, isn't it? I get really competitive when it comes to any kind of games," Iliana says.

"I can't wait!" I reply, with sarcasm as Lacy starts to laugh.

The football coach starts to yell instructions, "You need to pick one male leader and one female leader! And they need to come over near me to hear what they'll be going to. Oh, and you need a team name."

We huddle up as a group and everyone is shouting out various names for our group.

"Let's Get Wet!"


"Cheers For Team Us!"

"I don't want to be here..."

Lifeguard, My Ass (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن