Chapter 4

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Tabitha's POV

The first thing I noticed when I got into the cabin is that it is old. It doesn't look like it has been updated ever. There is no electrical outlet anywhere. What the hell are we supposed to do here? Smiling to myself as I figure out what I want to do. "Let's see if we can get some food together for the guys. Maybe we can keep them in the cabin for a while." Callie nods even though she doesn't seem to care. Not that I need her to, I just need her to do what I say.

"Why don't we want them outside?" Rachael is pretty but that's about it. I have no idea how she's made this far in school. "Rach we need to keep them from finding their mates as long as we can. If they don't find them we might get them to mark and mate us." She smiled and nodded her head as she caught on to what I wanted to do. I want Jax and I know he can't resist me when I turn on the charm.

My end game is and has always been to end up with Jax. I assume Rachael and Callie also have their eyes on Tyler and Richie. I am meant to be someone important in this pack. My pack members have looked down on my family for generations for nothing. I want them to eat their words and worship me. Being Luna would be a great start.

"You are aware we need to get out to pass right? You know hunting, gathering, and whatnot." Callie had dropped her stuff into the bedroom and walks back out. "Yes, I know but if I can show off my good qualities, he might not want to find his mate." Both girls nod but I can tell at least Callie thinks I'm crazy. I don't give a fuck what she thinks. I know they don't like me as much as they let people think. I know it's because I slept with Tyler and Richie. I don't care about them being mad or upset. I only deal with men in positions of power.

I walk into the first bedroom. Jax and I deserve the best and this room is the biggest. This room has a king-size bed and plenty of room for our stuff. After placing my stuff down I move to take care of the only wild card in the cabin, Jasmine. I check in on Callie and Rachael's rooms and notice they are decent-sized but smaller than mine. As they should be. Walking through the huge outdated kitchen I find Jasmine leaving her room with a basket.

Walking into her pathway before she can leave, I stop her. Looking behind her I a happy to find her room is a little better than a closet. The only good thing about it is that it's close to the bathroom. "I don't care what the rules say. You stay away from the rest of us and fend for your fucking self. And if you think I am mean to you now say something to a fucking alpha or your stupid ass friends. I will fucking end you. Do you understand?" I love to see her cower as she nods her head in acknowledgment. "Bye." She walks past me with a basket in her hand.

I know she will do as I say because she doesn't have a choice. She is nowhere near as strong as I am and she knows it. She is so easy to pick on. Her room is so small but if she can't even stand up for herself she doesn't deserve anything else, not even my respect. I feel comfort in knowing that at least Jasmine won't be a problem.

I hear Jasmine quietly close the door behind herself as she leaves the cabin. I'm sure miss good two shoes is going off to pick flowers or something. Taking the time to look through the kitchen to see what I can cook for the guys. Jax has gone feral if he thinks I am going to step aside while some other bitch takes my place.

Jackson's POV

You can't turn a hoe into a housewife. I never understood that saying until now. Tabitha can't cook and she is a crap housekeeper. I know she means well but I don't know what the hell she is trying to feed me. I appreciate that she at least tried. But this is our first night and if this is all she can do, it's not looking good for us. We need to hurry up and go forage and hunt. She is serving us what she says ramen and jerky. I've had them both before just not together. She put teriyaki flavored beef jerky in my ramen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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