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Another Friday, another ring of the bell to signify the end of the day. The students of class 1-A begin to pack up and leave. Before Midoriya and Bakugo leave, Aizawa calls them back to chat for a few minutes:

"Sorry, Sensei, what is it you wanted to talk to us about?", concernly asked Midoriya.

"All Might informed me he's been helping you talk through your behavioural problems, ever since your fight. I just wanted to congratualte you on your progress and thank you acting so maturely recently."

"Oh, I'm relieved, Sensei, I thought we were in trouble for something again", Midoriya sighed.

"We're not best buds all of a sudden!", protested Bakugo.

"Luckily, you don't have to be. Being able to at least trust you two now, gives me more time to help the others. Especially, since they all follow you both so closely. Keep it up. Now get going!"

"Yes Sir!"


Midoriya and Bakugo had no time to contemplate how they felt about that conversation because as soon as they lef the room, they were confronted by Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Nejire Hado, UA's Big Three, and Eri:

"Hey Midoriya!", greeted Mirio.

"Hi guys, what are you waiting here for?"

"We were just about to speak with Aizawa about allowing Eri to make more friends by meeting the rest of your class at the dorms."

"That sounds like a great idea!"

"Who?", blurted a puzzled Bakugo.

"Kacchan, that's right, you've not officially met these guys yet, let me introduce you!"

"So, this is the famous Kacchan, I've heard so much about", claimed Mirio.

"The bad boy from the sports festival!", pushed forward Nejire, forever curious.

"Is it true your explosions come from your sweat? But you don't smell as bad as I imagined."

"You made that pledge...I can't imagine having the confidence to say something like that", quivered Tamaki.

"Oh my God, didn't you two fight! Did you fight again in class, is that why you stayed behind?!"

"You seem calmer than Kirishima at least."

"Cmon you two, stop it, you're bombarding the poor guy. Let's start again: Hi, I'm Mirio, I've heard a lot about you around school and from Midoriya."

"It's the man who made the loud noise at the festival", pointed out Eri.


"That wasn't meant to be scary Eri, that's just Kacchan's quirk, he's a hero too", explained Midoriya.

"I'm late for training already. See ya around, I guess", quickly left Bakugo.

"That introduction didn't go as well as I was hoping", said Mirio.

"That's just how Kacchan is, unfortunately. Although, a few months ago he probably would of shouted everything he just said."

"He's a bit like you Tamaki. Few words, but huge talent."

"He's still a lot more confident than me already", he weeped in reponse.

"Anyway, let's ask Aizawa about tomorrow!", redirected Nejire.

Meanwhile, Bakugo was heading towards the gym, to meet with the rest of his class. On the way, he ran into class 1-B's Setsuna Tokage. He recently beat her during a joint training fight.

"Hey Bakugo! Wait up for a sec!"

"Argh what now?! I'm late!"

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings after our fight?"

"Why would there be? It was a fight! Dumb question."

"Just because I know Monoma is very competitive, which can be a good thing, but we also might have to work together one day in the future as pro's. I just wanted to make sure."

"Yeah, well it doesn't bother me."

"Although, next time won't be so easy. I underestimated you because of Monoma last time. If we ever fight again, I'll make sure to account for your new style!"

"You can do that, but remember, I'm not going to stop getting better either."

"Hey, Tokage, what are you doing conversing with the enemy?!", yelled Monoma, walking from the distance.

"Idiots everywhere", Bakugo didn't want to waste any more time so instead of entertaining Monoma's rambling, he simply continued walking away.

"See ya Bakugo!", waved Tokage.

"You shouldn't talk to him, he's nothing but a troublemaker."

"Eugh where's Kendo?"

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