Ready, Steady, BAKE!

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Saturday afternoon, the class are waiting for the arrival of Eri:

"Please tell me you at least extend common courtesy to children?", a frantic Ilda asked a sulking Bakugo.

"You're all pebbles to me, what difference does it make."

"What about those kids in our license classes?"

"Shaddup half-and-half!"

"What do you mean Todoroki?", asked Yaoyorozu.

"We had to set some troublsome children back onto the path of good behaviour as part of our training. Bakugo was the one who came up with the idea that we used."


"YOU'RE KIDDING! YOU AND BAKUGO DID THAT? SUCCESSFULLY?", an astonished Hagakure screeched.

"Yes.", precisely replied Todoroki, completely ignorant to the reason behind his classmates shock.

"You have been acting way more calm and rational recently", Jiro aknowledged looking at Bakugo, who was still fuming at Todoroki's exposure.


"I KNEW THAT!", exalted Kirishima.

"Oh Bakugo, that reminds me, Camie asked for your phone number. Can I give it to her?"

"WHO'S CAMIE?", Mina was totally immersed in the boys secret social activities during their extra classes.


"Midoriya gave it to me."


"TELL ME WHO CAMIE IS PLEASE!", Mina was shouting even louder than Bakugo was. She was utterly desparate for gossip.

"Is that the babe from Shiketsu?", pointed out Mineta.

"The one Midoriya tussled with?", added Sero. Uraraka was steaming in the background.

"Why is Kacchan shouting?", asked Midoriya entering the lounge area.

"She's our classmate", informed Todoroki to Mina.

"Nothing else?"

"No. Why?"

"Aw nevermind."


The doorbell interrupted the classes discussion. Eri had finally arrived. The most grateful of all for this interruption was probably Bakugo. Midoriya, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Kirishima went to greet Eri at the door with Aizawa. Aizawa told them he would return to pick her up in a few hours. Midoriya was in charge of her until then.

Midoriya began introducing Eri to each of his classmates. There weren't many capable of helping to entertain a small child.

The only notable successes were achieved by Yaoyorozu, who created her a new flower broach for her little bag. Koda, who allowed her to pet his rabbit. Jiro, who she recognised as the singer of the band. And Tokoyami, or moreso, his dark shadow, who had his own quirky way of the lightening mood.

As per usual, the final introduction was saved for Bakugo:

"It's the boom-boom-man again."

"Hahaha boom-boom-man! That's better than my name for you", chuckled Kirishima.

"This is Bakugo! He's super strong! And he's our drummer!", introduced Kirishima.

"Hey, I was one of the awesome guitarists! That's way cooler!", competed Kaminari.

Meeting EriWhere stories live. Discover now