24Bad news or Good news

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I still haven't gotten any info about Eirene it seems like she just vanished after the party. If you're wondering how I knew it's cause I tried looking for her. I wanted us to have a talk at least,but then I hadn't been able to even get her number, talk more of see her and I don't want to go to grandma to ask for it cause then it would be given out the wrong signal to both her and mom who's so eager to ship me off with someone. So I tried it my way I hired a professional for help or should I say someone hired a professional help.
"Hey man....I've got good news and bad news"
Peter said as he walked into my office dressed in a navy blue suit and coffee brown lace shoes with navy blue socks "which do you wanna hear first"
"I'd go with the bad news" I said reluctantly
"Good choice brother...okay so I.."
"Hold on a bit are this news work related? I asked cutting into his sentence
"Urghh only one of  em Is work related.....can I continue now"
"Yeah go on with the bad news...is..."
"No it is not.." he answered my unasked question "so we still haven't gotten any info concerning Eirene Richards seeing as you didn't give me any other info"
I signed I didn't know any other thing about her except her name "Alright so what's the good news"
"You've finally gotten the approval for the McGill contract" he said grinning
"What...really?" I asked all excited as he nodded "Thank God at last...hold on how did you know? When can we do the signing?
"That I do not know I only just got the info from megs"

"Nope you eavesdropped on the info" Megan said as she rushed in panting like someone who's just run a marathon.
"Nope I didn't. I don't eavesdrop I just overheard on my way here"
"Good afternoon sir" she greeted as she eyed peter in the process.
"Afternoon what's going on?
"Well I just got a call from the McGill corporation, saying we've got contract approval and that they'd get back to us on a set date for the paperwork. I was just on my way to tell you but Mr Dale here decided to do it first said something about needing good news to cover the bad one"
"Well peter came here to deliver some news which he supposedly calls bad news so I can understand his point, thanks for the good news megs.
"You're welcome sir congratulations"
"You too megs"


When I woke up this morning I'd expected to see levi sitting by my bed or walking around waiting for me to wake up so she can bug me with questions. Knowing her level of curiosity I knew how much she'd go just to satisfy her urges. Imagine my surprise to find my room quiet no sign of entry or presence just the normal way it'd been when I came back to it a few hours ago.
I get up fold my pjs on the bed then go to the bathroom for a shower playing my dua lips playlist of all times I dance and hum to the song 'New Rules' taking my precious time to wash and condition my long silky hair which seems like it's in need of a trim. Once done I get out and towel my self dry before drying my hair with a hand dryer.  I pick out a baby pink tan top and black joggers seeing as it was the weekend and I didn't have any plans for the day except a day In with levi gisting I was just gonna stay home relaxing.

After getting dressed I go downstairs to the kitchen for my breakfast "levi!" I say surprised
"And the sleeping beauty finally awakens to the real world" levi says as she stands upright from resting against the kitchen sink Micheal also stands beside her "good morning brother"
"Morning cupcake how are you"
"I'm okay and yes I did have a nice rest" I say smiling as I answered his unasked question
He smiled back "alright then I'm going to take my leave now cause I presume you both have a lot to talk about and I don't wanna be caught In the gist" he says as he excused himself.

I watch him leave before turning to look at levi who had this weird expression on her face which she masked quickly you'd think I'd imagined it.
"So tell me all about it... I'm all ears" she says as she drags me out of the kitchen,up the stairs to my room.

I guess all thoughts of breakfast will have to wait till Levi's curiosity has been quenched.

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