34The way we were before

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I was in the kitchen preparing something for me to eat when light arms wrapped themselves around me. I paused to look back
"Good morning D" Lillian said sweetly
"Morning Lillian whatsup" I asked gently removing her hand as I moved to the sink she turned to face me a slight frown on her face that she immediately masked off.

"I'll be going to Spain for a gig tomorrow" she said watching me with an odd expression on her face. I just shrugged before answering
"Okay.... that's nice" I told her
"Would you like to come with I promise it'd be fun" she said coming to stand in front of me
"You know I can't Lillian I've got work to do"
"Really...but it's a holiday tomorrow and also the weekend." She said watching me

"I really can't follow you all the way to Spain Lillian. I mean What I'm I to do there" I asked
"A lot of things d..... you could spend time with me and we can go sightseeing" she answered
"I'm sorry...but I can't Lillian"
"Whyy?? She asked staring me directly in the eyes as she placed both her palms on the two sides of the sink beside me oh no she wasn't doing this with me.

She can't use her psychological crap on me I won't let her "No Lillian I cannot go with you all the way to Spain so can you just drop it" I said sternly moving away
"Oh so you can't go all the way to Spain for me but I came all the way here for you Dylan" she says still staring "all the way here for you" she repeats even as she made to leave the kitchen
"What the hell does that even mean" I asked
"Don't worry about it d" she answered

I rushed to her front just as she stopped in front of me abruptly "explain it to me Lillian"
"I said never mind" she shouted as I stepped back a surprised look on my face.
"I'm sorry... I really didn't mean to snap like that" she said tears in her eyes as she made to leave. I didn't stop her just watched her go
It wasn't like I couldn't go but I'd made plans to take Eirene out tonight curtsy of peter who claimed his bet was to go clubbing with him and Catherine then he said I must bring the lady that made him win the bet said something about thanking her. I would have told her but I didn't want to.

Once it was seven I got ready then called peter
"Hey man.." he answered on the first ring
"The location? I asked not wasting time
"Geee man someone's sour about losing" he said you could feel he was grinning
"Just tell me"I said through gritted teeth
He sighed before telling me " it's the one on 24th alley way" he said
"Wow man coming to spend money at your own spot" I said with a chuckle he joined shortly after.

After driving to the Calvary hotel I waited for Eirene to come out as usual she was gorgeous
She wore brown leather mini skirt with a high net red socks and a net laced top with a brown biker jacket and high heeled boots
"You look ravishing" I said surprised at myself for the compliment she also had the same look
"Thank you" she replied shyly as she slid into the car. When we arrived she looked around in awe I mean peter sure knew how to spend money to captivate people attention

" The 'C's?? Eirene asked as she stared at the name board atop the building staring at me I just shrugged knowing what it meant once we entered music blared from loudspeakers as people danced and drank as usual it was a struggle to push past bodies but thankGod for '47' who came and ushered us immediately to the VVIP's section it was packed as usual but more refined and reserved
"Wow..." Eirene exclaims at the antiquities she saw a beautiful smile on her face

"You haven't been here before? I asked
"No.... actually it's my first time" she replied
"Heyy man I'm glad you could make it" peter says as he comes over to hug me Catherine stood shyly besides him
"Hello.....Dylan" she says as she shyly brings out her hands for me to shake "Hello" she said to Eirene with a small smile
"Hey.....haven't we met before" she answered I smiled she really did like to feign ignorance at second meetings don't she I thought to myself

"Yeah.....you have this is Catherine" peter said as he looked at me slyly before adding "you're the gorgeous beauty I meant at Dylan's sister birthday right? He asked as he lifts her hands to his lips Eirene smiled shyly at him before replying "and you're peter sheadale the handsome playboy" she said as I smirked at him to say served you right on a silver platter
He burst out laughing before saying "that I am"

We had fun at the club after I told peter it was Eirene's first time here he gave her two free entry pass to the VVIP square saying only if she promised to bring her friends. When she asked how he got the free pass that they must have been expensive he just shrugs saying he was a friend of the club owner I just laughed at this
Although the girls couldn't understand why I was laughing.

I dropped off Eirene and headed to my penthouse coming out of the elevator I found a person bent over on the floor it turned out to be Lillian "Lillian what are you doing here"
I said as I helped her to her feet she struggled to gain balance before slouching on the wall
I noticed she was drunk and knowing Lillian she never got drunk never took more than two shots of alcohol seeing her like this especially this being the second time I typed in my passcode before taking her in

"You changed your passcode D" she said "I mean I tried to get in six consecutive times d.....six ...." she slurred as she raised her hands up to show me the figures
"Do you know how that made me look d.....hmmm it made me look...no it made me feel stupid I thought maybe it was cause of the alcohol. Maybe it's cause I wasn't coherent and tipsy but even when I'm sleeping I still get your passcode every time" she finished her voice breaking at the end as she took off her shoes before coming to stand in front of me

"Look....Lillian I'm sorry" I said "but it was needed" I add watching as she laughs snorting
"Needed.... why you don't want me coming in here too? She asks as I nod my head
"Answer me d. Let me know" she says her voice  tears streaming down her face
I wipe them off with my thumb "answer me" she mutters softly as she rest her head on my chest her arms around my waist
"Lillian I need my privacy sometimes and you used to call me before coming over but now you just barge in" I tell her softly

"Barge in" she says shakily her tone weak
"Look Lillian don't make this... I say letting my hands go between us for demonstration "more complicated than it's already is.... why can't we just go back to the way it was? I asked

"Wow...." she said softly as she went to the sofa
"I can't go home tonight cause obviously I'm drunk and I hate cabs so let me just stay here" she says as she lay on the sofa turning I could hear her muffled whimpering

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