14forbidden date

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I laid in the salon getting pampered by the best hands levi seemed to also agree cause she lay next to me also getting hevenly massages
"This feels so good" I moaned signing sweetly as the guys hands reached a sore  spot his hands worked his magic and soon a cracking sound was heard which caused me to sign again

"I agree...." levi replied "now you still haven't told me how your blind date went" she continued I ignored her question until she signed I looked at her a very bad mistake I realized cause she had this look on her face I called it the sin look, with this look she could get anyone to do anything of her bidding.

"Urghhhh alright fine...it was just fine" I said in a bored tone. She remained quiet giving me a look I couldn't decipher before speaking "you say it was fine but I feel otherwise, What is it? She asked pausing before speaking "OMG he was ugly wasn't he??" She said squealing

"No quite opposite" I replied offering a bit of a small smile. "You sure.... cause it seems there's more to it than you're letting on" she asked
"Alright it wasn't all that fine, he came late and gave an excuse of a busy schedule,like don't we all have schedules. Then he was being rude to the waiter and when I asked him why he accused me of flirting with the waiter." I said it all in a rush "what? How could he think that"
Levi asked astonished

"And that's not all the idiot ended up insulting me........like could you imagine" I said just relating the story was like me goin through it again my fury increasing with every word
"Really......did he really?? What then did you do" levi asked

"I got up angrily and emptied my glass of water on him and I told him never to show his face in front of me ever again and then I left" I told her
"No way.....you're kidding right?" She asked a bewildered look on her face
"Yes way..... I was really really pissed he was really annoying and aggravating and insulting let me not even get started on his rudeness" I could go on and on levi just laid there starring at me shocked at how angry I was, cause I wasn't the easily angered type levi was so I'm guessing she was surprised to see me in this mood.


"How was your date darling" grandma asked
"Fine" I said through gritted teeth
"Just fine...come on give us a little bit of details will you" mother said coming out of the kitchen
"Jeez I said it was fine okay.....why not ask your spies for more details if you're that eager to know" I snapped before making my way upstairs.

"Dylan.... Dylan come back here and apologize to your mother" grandma called
"No way I believe I'm done apologizing to women for the day......maybe I should be apologized to for a change" I replied
"And what do you need an apology for..... Dylan" grandma asked
"You could start by apologizing for forcing me to go on a blind date then also resulting to blackmail." I replied heatedly

"What??" Grandma asked a look of feigned innocence on her face
"Oh don't play dumb with me granny especially now that we're in front of everyone" I said pausing as dad and the twins came out "maybe if you had asked politely then we wouldn't be in this situation" I continued
"I didn't blackmail you Dylan we both made a bargain. Don't blame me now that you regret keeping your own end" grandma said

"Oh really.... you know what I think I've had about just enough of this charade.... you both are so conniving" I said as I angrily made my way upstairs. I began shuffling clothes into my bag I heard a slight knock on the door turning slightly I noticed Kayla "what do you want Kay" I asked bringing my tone down a little
"Nothing really just wanted to know how your date went" she asked in a quiet voice

"You don't wanna know Kay..... I still can't believe I agreed to this bull in the first place..." I spat she looked at me for a while before replying "from the exchange downstairs I believe it didn't go so well" she inquired
"Can you do me a favor Kay" I asked as she nodded her response
"Could you just drop this topic I don't wanna hear anything about this day or date again..... is that okay"

She watched me quietly for a while before agreeing "sure cool......are you really leaving"
She asked eyeing my packed bag
"Yeah I really need to get back to work this has been a very busy week for me"
"When will you be back then.... I just hope you don't miss my birthday in a fit of rage" she asked smiling sweetly
"I won't I promise" I told. Her with that I hurriedly made my way down the stairs not sparing mum or grams a backward glance. I only stopped to hug Leila before walking out mom's sobs could be heard as I left

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