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maddie woke up at seven the next morning, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and utterly terrified.
broadway, baby!
she woke lucy up and sent her down to the lobby to grab them some breakfast while she curled her hair.
today, she wore a skirt with a sweater tucked in and the same boots she wore the day before. lucy arrived with a plate of waffles and a plastic forks.
"so," lucy said as she chewed, "what are you singing today?"
"they said we'd be singing and doing some sides from the show." maddie said. "i hope we do it roars, that's my best song."
"it is." lucy nodded. "you sound so good on that. and stars."
"i doubt we'll sing that. if anything, that's a final callback song."
maddie finished up her waffle and checked her watch.
"i should get going."
"we have the show tonight, remember?" she said.
"how could i forget?" maddie smiled and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.
"alright. i'll see you on the flip."
"break so many legs!"
"i'll try!" she giggled and closed the door behind her.

there were twenty-some girls in the room, as shifting their feet nervously while becca, the dance captain from yesterday, handed out packets of songs and sides.
maddie tried her best to stand confidently. she held her weight evenly and thanked becca when she got her packet.
to her dismay, it roars wasn't what they'd be singing. instead, it was cady's verse of apex predator and the last part of stupid with love.
okay. she could work with that.
she flipped to the sides, where she saw the scene before stop and the scene before janis's reprise of someone gets hurt.
she knew the scenes well, and felt pretty confident as she looked over the script. after committing the sides to memory, she closed the packet with a small smile.
"we're going to start with jenna brightman." becca said. "so, the rest of you can wait in the hallway."
they filed out of the room, and maddie took the opportunity to do a little bit of humming to warm herself up.

"maddie franklin?" becca said as she opened the door. "you're up."
maddie got to her feet and walked into the room. she smiled at the people behind the table and awaited her instructions.
"you're going to do apex predator first," becca said, "and then you'll read the scene before stop. you can use the packet for that."
"got it." maddie set her papers down for the song, and gave a little nod to the pianist.
the song itself wasn't that difficult, so maddie sang it easily and was able to act her best. she picked up her packet and looked to the becca, who was reading for damian and janis.
"...and then one of you can comment and say we should go together!" she said. there was a mark that told her to stop there, so she waited a beat, and then looked back to the panel.
"alright, maddie." becca smiled. "wait in the hallway, please."

after almost an hour of waiting, the last girl finished her audition, and becca came back out.
"hi, ladies." she smiled. "we're going to have a few of you come back in, but if i don't read your name, unfortunately, you won't be coming back."
maddie held her breath as becca read the list, and somewhere in the middle, she heard her name.
she let out her breath and sighed.
"maddie, you can come in again. we're gonna have you sing the cut of stupid with love that's in your packet."
she followed becca back into the room, where she greeted the panel with another smile.
"whenever you're ready." becca said.
maddie gave another slight nod to the pianist, then went into what she liked to call "full cady mode" as she sang about a boy that she imagined was standing next to her.
the smile on her face grew as she realized this was the best she'd ever sung the ending.
she sighed happily after she cut off the last note, then looked to becca and said a small thank you.
"you're good for today, maddie. you'll get an email in an hour or so."
"thanks." she said again, and walked out of the room.
maddie hurried back down the block to the hotel, waiting anxiously for the promised email.

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