7: Life's Different With Somebody At Your Side

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7: Life's Different With Somebody At Your Side

When you think of happiness, what do you imagine?

Many people say the best thing in the world is love... Love is overrated. I repeat: Love is overrated.

Other people say happiness is physical. You know what I'm talking about...

People like Alexander The Great and Napoleon are sure that happiness only comes to those who secure wealth and fame.

While people like me, they believe that happiness is an opinion. And you can't just chance upon happiness. You have to earn it.

"Cece," I smiled sweetly down at the restless child that had called out my name. Don't call me that! I thought.

"Yes, Kara?" I whispered. I mean, what type of parent would name their child 'Kara'?

"I need to go to the bathroom..." I looked down at her, my face frozen.


2 minutes later and one of the other orphanage children had pulled Kara off my leg.

Dinner was the most unsavory meal of the day.

Mother had to care for all the children so I was stuck watching over the rotten-punk kids that just gave you attitude and a lame comeback if you asked what their name was.

I sighed as the usual chaos unfolded around me: Babies wailing at the top of their little lungs, toddlers running around without their diapers like in those cheap sitcoms, elementary kids drawing on each others' faces, and middle school kids throwing around their lumpy soup while sulking quietly.

My food went untouched. After gazing around the room, I sat in thought. Seeing Sebastian's face again had me wondering where that once-glorious fairytale world had gone. This time and day was filled with disgusting people with even more disgusting manners.

At least it's nice to know there's still some good out there, I thought as my eyes found their way to Mother who was tutting at a group of children who'd spilled their soup.

I tip-toed upstairs to my dorm room unnoticed. As I turned on the light, I jumped to find Sebastian standing in the corner of the room with a pizza box.

"How'd you know?" I took a seat on my bed as Sebastian set the food on my side-table.

"I caught your uneaten food and got the message."

I took out a nice, oily slice. "Thanks,"

Sebastian gave me a slightly surprised glance and instantly looked away.

That's where we stood in time. My pizza was warm and moist in my mouth, the flavor bursting on my tongue. Sebastian, my loyal butler, at my side. Watching me.

As I finished my 5th slice, I licked my lips and felt a strange premonition. I could feel the storm coming. My life would change drastically and Sebastian would play a big role.

The glass of water appeared from behind Sebastian's back. I drank the iced beverage thirstily.

After my 6th serving, I was beginning to feel tired. My stomach was full and my thirst was quenched. I stretched and yawned after sanitising my hands.

I just lay on my bed, face upward. Sebastian was watching me. I could feel it. I met his blank, observing eyes. As expected, he quickly looked the opposite way.

Frustration pulsed in my veins.

"Why? Am I ugly?" as I spoke, Sebastian's eyes returned to mine. For some reason, he brought out the worst in me.

"Quite the opposite. I think the new Master is very desirable." I blushed at his words. How could he affect me so?

"W-What makes you say that?" my too-cool facade came crashing down as my embarrassment shone clearly on my face.

Sebastian smiled. "I may be one h*ll of a butler, but I'm still a man."

"Wh - Hey! - Ah..." before I could think up a witty reply, Sebastian urgently reprimanded me.

"It's late, will you be sleeping in those clothes?"

"Ah? Um - No..." Sebastian instantly dug into my closet and picked out the appropriate nighttime attire: black., baggy sweat pants and a way-too-big, light blue tank top.

"Wait a minute, you aren't planning to-"

"Please lift your leg." Sebastian was kneeling on one knee.

Why is he doing this?

After a second thought, why was I acting like this? He was just my butler. He knew me. It's not like he'd judge me.

Contemplating took less than a minute and then I simply obeyed him.

For a few seconds of awkward silence, I finally got too tired to be embarrassed. "I'm going to go to bed now..." I looked up at him.

"Understood." he was half out the window when i grabbed his sleeve cuff.

"D-Don't go," I whispered as he settled into the chair next to my bed. "Stay until I go to sleep."

I could feel the smile in his voice as I closed my eyes. "Yes, my Lord."


"Sebastian?" I felt surprised at the need in my voice as soon as the sound came out of my mouth.

He was nowhere in sight. I had awoken seconds earlier with a strange urgency. Only now had I realized why. The clock ticked on 7:05am.

No! Even at my rate of speed, I'd be at school by the end of first period!

Even when I'd known it was no use, I pulled on my clothes with a strange feeling in my chest.

I sneaked a quick banana from the kitchen counter and sped out the door, not knowing where I would be going. The bus had already left and I had no way to get to class.

I'd been too busy sniffling at my foolishness, that I hadn't seen the shiny, black limousine stretched out about a block away.

The soft honk brought my attention. I peered into the window suspiciously after I'd made my way towards it. As I had thought, Sebastian sat in the driver's seat with a slight grin on his handsome face.

The sun hadn't risen yet so it was obvious that Sebastian could still walk at his normal form.

"May I give you a ride, Miss?" his tone suggested that he deliberately woke me up and had planned it, and it made me angry. But then again, he'd woken me up, not just left me to miss school! My appreciation strangely overruled my frustration as I jumped into the back seat.

The limo was as tall as me and as long as one of my orphanage's winding hallways. I was thoroughly impressed as I took in every sharp detail.

I could hardly see the top of Sebastian's head behind the tinted window. The school was approaching fast and I could tell it was because of Sebastian's ridiculous speed! As we parked at the curb, I peeked out the window to find every person outside (and some through windows) staring, jaws-gaped-open, at my overly fancy transportation.

My patient waiting was swiftly rewarded with my door being gently opened by a fast-paced Sebastian.

"Thank you," I whispered as I got up. The shocked expression from last night passed over his perfectly straight face.

"I've to hurry," he stopped me as I rose. He leaned in closer, his face at my right shoulder, "Demitri is coming."

His breath was soft and sweet as he spoke. And I could understand what he meant. The sun peeked out barely through the overhead trees.

Soon. Soon, he'd become that little boy that had grown on me.

"Go," I muttered softly as my hair swished past him. I walked through the crowd of spectators and entered the building, not looking back. Not even a glance.

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