Chapter 26

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All the stores were closed so there weren't very many people out shopping. There were a few lovers walking hand and hand, but they didn't care much for a couple of pirates. Jack and Angelica ran full speed until they reached the boat dock. The only time they stopped was so Jack could stop at the general store and get some rum.

He reached down and slipped his knife out of his boot. He carefully guided the the knife until the lock of the general store was picked. He opened the door and held out his arm and brought it to his chest telling Angelica to go in.

Inside they made their stop quick. Jack cut off a piece of cloth to carry all the alcohol in. He didn't just get the rum he got wine, whiskey, beer... Angelica looked for any rings they had. They had engagement and wedding rings from London and Paris, but there weren't many to chose from.

"Come on, love. I know where we can get some beauties," he drug her out into the night.

That's when they went to the docks. There was a ship from Spain. Jack smiled when he saw it was the two idiots he met when he met Will and stole that ship around 3 years ago.

"Hello, mates," he greeted them. "Thought this was a Spanish ship.

"She is. We've just been told to watch her," Mullroy, the rounder one said.

"And were not letting the likes of you on board," the taller one who went by Murtogg added.

"I am a hero. I did save the governors daughter, Miss Swann."

Angelica stood behind Jack and watched. One of the things that drew her to him when they were younger was the way he could get whatever he wanted. Another was the way he could get out of every situation. He called it improvising, but she couldn't see how he could just think up the stuff as he goes along. After hanging around him for a while she gave up and labeled it talent.

"And then you used her to get away," Murtogg said.

Mullroy turned to Murtogg. "He did save her. If he hadn't she would be dead now."

"Norrington would have got to her."

"No, he wouldn't, not in time."

Seeing they were caught up in their arguing, Jack gestured Angelica on the ship with his hand. They climbed down to the bottom of the ship. On that floor was cloth, and several pairs of shoes, but in the corner was a chest.

"Look," Angelica pointed out.

This time she went to work on the chest. In a matter of seconds she had it open, making Jack jealous. On top there was jewelry including engagement and wedding rings, but on the bottom was coins. They both pocketed a handful before they picked the rings out.

"I'm picking the engagement ring out, you can pick our wedding rings," Jack said putting a handful of rings in her hand without even looking at her and deciding on what Angelica would like.

"Wait, my grandmother had an engagement ring like this." She took one out of the box and examined it.

"Your grandmother? BlackBeards mother?"

She shook her head. "No, my mother's mother."

"You never talk about her."

"I was only 5 when she died."

He dropped the other rings. He tilted her face up to his. "Angelica Teach, now that I have a ring I must ask you. Will you marry me?"

"Yes." She moved closer so they could kiss.

"You two!" It was the idiots from out front, Mullroy specifically.

"We were just leaving," He said as he stood.

"No your not!" Murtogg yelled.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the chest. He walked over ignoring the gun barrels following him. He set it down and went to the opposite side. "There, she's all yours." He held his hands out to the chest.

He stuck his hand behind his back and signaled Angelica to come to him as they creeped to the box. When they picked it up they dashed up stairs to the top deck. They each grabbed a rope and swung off onto the ground. They then took off running. Angelica smiled as the ran feeling like a teenager again.


Joshua and Abigail tried to find her parents after he proposed. Their search was fruitless. They checked their meeting place, the beach, and finally gave up and went into town thinking maybe Jack wanted some rum.

There was no one out as they walked, but soon heard loud footsteps and dove behind a building incase they'd been spotted. Joshua stuck his head out to see Jack and Angelica and stood in their sight followed by Abigail. They saw Jack with his hand over his head and slinging it back and forth. They took that as the signal to run and did as they were told.

"Whats going on?" Joshua asked when they made it to their meeting place and slowed down to a brisk walk.

"I had to get me wife a ring if we're gonna get hitched."

Joshua glanced down at the bag looking thing he was carrying. "Whats that?"


Joshua smiled and shook his head. "We've got plenty on the ship."

"Thought I might have to barter with some sailors."

They jumped on the ship and hauled butt. No need in getting arrested tonight. They were on their way to find Gibbs wherever he was. Jack was probably going to give Gibbs his indestructible ship and take the Black Pearl back. But why didn't he just take the Pearl to begin with?

Late that night, not far from morning, they found two ships side by side. There seemed to be no one on either. When they latched on they found a bunch of passed out men sprawled out on the deck clutching bottles. They noticed the men as a mixture of his and Teague's crew. Looks like they had been partying the success of getting 2 ships.

They went searching for Gibbs and Teague. Gibbs was easy to find. He was on the floor in between many other pirates. They split up. Abigail and Angelica went to the other boat after Abigail begged her father since she was healed and wanted to do more exciting things. Angelica went downstairs and Abigail went in the captain quarters. When Abigail opened the door she saw him laying in a chair with his head thrown back hungover.

"Grandpa," Abigail shook him. After she fiercely shook him like 10 seconds she stopped knowing it was no use. "Mama, I found him!" She went looking for help.

Upon hearing her future father-in-law was found she grabbed a bucket tying a piece of rope to one end and slung it overboard, then pulled it up. She went to the captains quarters and threw the water on the drunken man. He clawed at his face and sat up right quick.

He glared at the two for a minute before relaxing in his chair. "What are you two wanting?"

"Ask Jack," Angelica told him. They hasn't been informed on his plans and she had no idea.

The 3 of them swung to the other side. They approached him wondering what he wanted with Teague. "Something wrong, Jackie?"

"Not at all. Just thought you'd want to go to your own sons wedding."

Teague grinned and glanced at Angelica smiling her acknowledgement. "Captain of the ship can perform weddings. So, dad I make you captain of the Black Pearl for a whole hour."

Jack chose Joshua and Gibbs as his best men. Angelica didn't really have a choice on who she choose, but could have had the choice to choose the queen herself and would have still chose Abigail.

They went on with their ceremony. First came Joshua and Abigail arm in arm for the first out of two times in the next little while. Next, since there was no other woman for Gibbs to walk with, he walked Angelica down like he was her father. Then Teague performed the ceremony between Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow. Lastly they celebrated with rum and loud music as if the crew needed any more, until the sunrise of July 17th, their wedding date.

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