Sk8er Boi [A Justin Bieber Story] ::5::

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:: Ariana ::

Justin and I walked to school in silence. I guess you could say the kiss had silenced us both, yet it still lingered on my lips as if it was just occuring. We stepped up to the school, still speechless. The hallways were empty. I've missed 1st period...and 2nd...again. Crap. Suddenly Justin turned to me as I approached my locker.


I turned toward him. "Yes?"

He threw me a cocky smile that made my insides flutter. "You're terrific, ya know?" He surprised me by pulling me into a quick hug and then pulling away to go to his locker. Wow. He sure was something. For once in my life, I hated being rich.


I watched Justin from across the cafeteria. He was talking about who-knows-what with one of his friends. He then caught me staring at him and smile that had 'Gotcha' written all over it. I bit my lip akwardly and waved at him with only four fingers. He waved back.

"Um, Ariana? Why are you waving at Skater Boy?" Karly's voice scared the crap out of me. When had she gotten here? I cleared my throat.

"Um, I wasn't-I..." I couldn't think of a good lie so I just blushed. Karly raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on with you two? And don't lie, I can see it in both your eyes." Karly crossed her arms.

I sighed. "There is nothing going on between me and Justin."

"Oh so his name's Justin." Karly smirked. "You know his name so there's def something going on."

"No. He's in my...chemistry class." I lied.

Karly rolled her eyes. "Oh there's chemistry alright. And you don't take chemistry."

It's official. I'm a horrible liar. "I meant math."

"Im in your math class." Karly pointed out. "Face it, Ariana. You and Skater Boy have something going on. Don't try to hide it. But let me warn you, your parents are going to murder you if they find out."

I ignored her and changed the subject. "Where's Haylee?"

"Skipped." Karly said as she brought a french fry up to her lips and shoved it in her mouth.

My eyes widened. "Since when does Haylee skip?!"

"Since Raymond asked her if she wanted to take a ride on his new bike. It's really cool, actually. Probably cost him a fortune. That girl is so freaking lucky." Karly explained.

"Wow." was all I said. Haylee and Raymond? He's never talked to her and all of the sudden he's asking her to skip school with him. Haylee's got it bad. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and Karly gave me the you're-such-a-liar look. I already knew who I'd fine standing behind me. I stood up and turned to see Justin...and we were to damn close. Our kiss flashed across my mind making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Hey." I breathed.

He grinned. "Hey, can I talk to you in th hallway?"

I wondered why he wanted to talk to me in he hallway but I nodded anyways and followed him out the cafeteria. Confused looks followed us and I did my best to ignore them.

"What do you need?" I asked him as I leaned up against one of the lockers. Justin let out a sigh.

"I'm moving." He blurted. I barely had time to react because Justin's next words were like a million little bullets penetrating my heart.

"Im moving to the US and it could be forever. It doesn't mean I won't be visiting here sometimes but I just wanted to tell you. I also wanted to tell you that I'm glad it was you."

I pushed back a few tears. "G-glad it was m-me what?"

"My first kiss." he breathed. His breath was warm on my neck and it made me want to pull him in and kiss him until the world ended. Maybe even after that.

"Me too." I told him. "But Justin?"


"Its not like we could ever be together. You already know that. My friend Karly knows about us and she could tell my parents and-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because his lips were tracing my jawline all of the sudden and I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle right there in his arms.

"Justin..." It came out as a moan. I wanted to slap myself. If my mom saw this, I'd be grounded for eternity. I was 14 anyways. But right now age seemed so far away. I rolled my eyes in my head. I really am stupid. I would probably never see Justin again. I wanted him. Even if it was for 5 seconds...right the middle of the hallways. I grabbed his face and pulled him right up my lips. The kiss was soft at first but then it was hard and rough and...I wanted more. Using my right arm, I wrapped it around him to hold him to me while my left one lay tangled in his soft, dirty blonde hair. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and his lips felt so good... I coiled my leg around his, not wanting him to escape. In just a few days he meant he world to me. Too bad the world didn't approve.

"Omg, Ariana!" Oh crap. Haylee's voice. Justin and I broke apart, both our faces were redder than a tomato. Haylee was standing a few feet away from us and Raymond was right behind her. They just stood there gaping at us.

"Uh, Haylee. I can explain..."

"I saw what I saw and don't tell me I didn't. I have to good eyes, Ariana Belle!" Haylee yelled. I felt Justin's fingers interwine with mine behind my back.

"I wouldn't be talking!" I shot back her. "You skipped class to ride a bike with the damned school player!" I didn't care if Raymond was right there.

"Well we weren't making out in the middle of a hallway!" Raymond butted in. I ignored him.

"Raymond's different! He's cute and rich and popular while your with that...the poor, stupid, skater boy who wears baggy clothes and can't even afford a chocolate bar!" I wanted to claw Haylee's green eyes right out of their eye sockets.

"I think I should leave." Justin spoke. His fingers left mine and he began to walk toward the school exit. "And by the way, I can afford a chocolate bar, you can't. Because you can't afford anymore calories." Justin smirked at Haylee. "Bye Ariana."

"No, Justin! Wait-" He disappeared. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Haylee's face was angry.

"Jerk!" She yelled into nothing. "Hope you come back down to earth, Ariana." She said and walked into the cafeteria followed by Raymond. I slid down by the lockers and buried my face in my knees, tears staining my jeans.

"I am on Earth." I muttered to nobody. "I hate everybody. Everybody but Justin."

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