Sk8er Boi [A Justin Bieber Story] ::3::

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Nxt Chapter! Don't forget to Comment or Fan or VOTE! I luv when u guys comment, makes me wanna write more and more! So comment! & Vote for this Story when the Watty Award time comes! xoxo I Wuv Ya'll!


:: Ariana ::

I watched the clock from my desk and waited. 3:56...57...58...59...RINGGG! I quickly grabbed my books and shuffled out of my Algebra classroom. Finally. This was the longest damn day ever. I opened up my locker, threw my books inside, shut it, and made my way out ot school. Part of me wished Justin was here with his bike because honestly, I didn't want to walk home. But I had no other choice. I ignored my vibrating Blackberry (Probably Haylee) as I turned onto the first block.

"Stupid me." I muttered, thinking to eariler. "Should have never gotten involved with skater boy." I kicked aside a rock. My life was becoming so frikin messed up. Justin was really cute and nice and... No, Ariana don't think like that. He's not right for me. No. Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my waist as I walked by some big oak tree. I didn't have time to scream because a hand was now over my mouth, keepin me silent. I was pushed up against the back of the oak tree to see none other than skater boy. Justin. He took his hand off my mouth but didn't let me go.

"What the hell? What do want?" It came out sounding mean.

Justin chuckled. "Sorry, but I had talk to you."

I rolled my eyes. "Didnt you listen eariler? Don't. Talk. To. Me."

He was closer to me now. "I don't listen. Besides, you sure didnt care this morning. I thought you were different. Man, was I wrong. You're just like all the others."

I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest. Why was I feeling this way? Omg, what if someone saw us? My reputation was gonna go bye-bye.

"Please let me go." It came out as just a whisper. Maybe because his face was so freakishly close. I could feel his eyes searching mine. Then he let me go. I tried to keep my heart under control but I bet he could probably hear It beating.

"Sorry if i scared you. It's just that...I really like you." He smiled innocently. "Do you want to come with out into town? Watch me sing?"

I bit my lip. I wanted too. I wanted too so badly that it scared the crap out of me. But I couldn't risk being seen.

"Um, listen Justin, I-" he cut me off.

"No one's going to see you. I'll lend you one of my hoodie's and sunglasses and you'll be unrecognizable." he grinned.

No. I couldn't. I wouldn't. I was going to say no and I was going to go home and do what I usally do. I wasn't going to let myself trip over this boy. Nope. No. Not this girl.

"Yes." I breathed. "Ok." Stupid! I was going crazy, no doubt there.

Justin's grin was from ear-to-ear. "Great. Come with me to my house real quick."

I tried not to groan as he took my wrist and pulled me with him towards his house on the end of the street. It was a small house but it looked nice and normal and relaxing. He took me into his house and smiled.

"Welcome home. It's not much but it's something." He said it proudly which made my heart jump for some reason. "Stay here while I go get my hoodie." He walked into some room which I instantly knew was his due to the small poster of Beyonce on his door. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. He came out with a black hoodie and a pair of sunglasses. I took them from his and slipped both on. Justin threw me a nod of approval.

"You look cute in my hoodie." he grinned.

I smirked. "Cute's my butt."

"I bet." he chuckled. I took a cusion from his small couch and chucked it at him.

"Dont try me!"

He smirked. "What? You said it, not me."

I rolled my eyes. He threw me a cocky smile and motioned me out the door with him. I hasn't noticed he was holding his guitar till now. It wasn't the best guitar, I observed. But like he would probably say, it was something. I smiled to myself as held his hand out for me. I just looked at it as he waited for me to take it.

"What?" I asked him.

"Take it or leave it?" he began to pull his hand away but I took it before he could. He smiled and we began to walk. I didn't know exactly where we were going but I was suddenly glad I had agreed to go. For once in my life I didn't feel like some snobby rich girl that others girls would glare at in envy. Strangly, it felt nice to just be normal for once. It felt nice to get a different view of life. Above it all, Justin was nice.

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