Sk8er Boi [A Justin Bieber Story] ::18::

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  • Dedicated to Bethany Hamilton (Bcuz this chapter reminds me of her)

:: Justin ::

"Just hold onto the board and stand up. Keep your balance or you'll just plunge right back into the water. Don't be afraid of the wave. The bigger, the better. Keep the board balanced on the water as well. To narrow it all down, don't fall." I explained to Selena, a grin on my face. We were in Malibu and I was teaching her to surf. It was pretty funny actually. Especially when an unexpected wave comes and swoops her off her board.

No. Don't laugh, Justin. That's not funny.

Who am I kidding, it's hilarious.

I chuckled and swam out towards an incoming wave, standing on my feet at just the right time to show Selena exactly how to do it. Selena smiled and gave me a small wave with her fingers.

That's when I lost control of the board and plunged into the water, the wave crashing into the shore. I surfaced, coughing up salt water.

Selena burst out laughing. "Epic fail!" She teased.

I frowned. "I was totally in control," A small grin crept onto my lips. "But your beautiful face distracted me."

Selena giggled. "Nice save."

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon. I'm not done teaching you."

"You're a bad teacher." Selena informed me.

"Am I a bad kisser?"


I gasped.

"Kidding!" She laughed.

I scowled jokingly. "I was about to say."

Selena's eyes suddenly widened but there was an amused look on her face. "Um, Justin, there's a-"

She was going to say 'wave'. There was a wave. And yes. I ended up coughing out salt water. Except that time it came out of my nose as well.

Selena laughed harder.

:: Ariana ::

"Dad." I groaned as I dragged myself out of the passenger seat of his new silver Volvo. "Why Malibu?"

My dad simply grinned. "Well since I'm not so busy, I thought I could teach you to surf like i'd offered."

I frowned. "I don't surf."

"You will now." My father gave me one of those megawatt smiles that told me I wouldn't be able to get out of this. I pulled a bright red surfboard out the trunk.

Great, I thought. It would probably attract sharks.

"C'mon!" My dad motioned for me to walk with him toward the beach. I let out another groan and sauntered after him. The sky was clear and from the looks of things, the waves seemed big enough for surfing. There weren't many people out, probably because it was Tuesday, a week day, and the few people that were here were surfing.

That didn't make things any better. I suddenly wanted to go back to Stratford where I knew everyone. I wanted some peace and quiet. L.A. was just to wild and crazy and crowded. No one really noticed you unless you were a celebrity or a really hot guy or girl with a nice beach body. Apparently I wasn't someone worth noticing.

"Ok," My dad began to say as he placed his green surfboard on the water. "First thing you have to do is wait for a wave and then paddle towards it."

I yawned. "That seems complicated."

My dad frowned. "Just do what that guy over there is doing."

I looked out towards the guy my father was talking about. I didn't get a view of him because a big wave came and wiped him out. I laughed. Apparently the girl that was with him was doing the same.

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