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You might be thinking, how can a wealthy causation girl be chained when she isn't even a slave? Well, let me tell you how then.

In the year 1662, lived a fifteen-year-old girl, well, she'd be considered a woman in that time. Her name was Mary, and she was without a doubt the most beautiful woman that ever lived. She had long, silky brown hair with just the right amount of curls to frame her stunning face, with different shades of brown and amber highlights. A button-nose that was placed right above her plump, heart-shaped pink lips that were followed by rosy cheeks that were sprinkled with freckles.

She had beautiful curves, that she'd grow into and not to mention her beautiful clean, pale-white skin. She wasn't short at all, she was quite tall for a girl, which caused her to get mocked and teased by her fellow peers, but caused men to turn heads for her.

But, none of the above mentioned was what made her beautiful. No, it was her eyes. See, her eyes held compassion,  empathy, kindness and a hint of mystery, but sadly it was filled with sorrow as well. Her eyes were also deemed peculiar at the time because she was diagnosed with heterochromia, which resulted in one blue eye and the other brown.

Mary didn’t have an education, she could barely read. Her father thought that it was unnecessary for her to be book-smart because he believed that a woman's place was in the kitchen and bed to satisfy her husband's needs. Mary's gorgeous features served her as a blessing and a curse.

When she became a woman at the age of thirteen, men started to sexualize her. This disturbed her deeply, as it would any girl at that age. Unfortunately, her father turned a blind eye when it came to such matters because he had bigger worries on the heart.

You see, Mary wasn't really wealthy, she was far from it but her father was too proud to show it, so he was determined to keep up the pathetic charade. How did her father fall from his wealth you ask? Well, years back, Mary's mother stepped in a rusted wire, which caused her to die of blood poisoning. Her father couldn't stop mourning her death, therefore didn’t pay much attention to his cotton farm.

The farm started to deteriorate, and he could no longer maintain his slaves. When a virus broke out between them all, most died and the others were too ill to work. Her father couldn't afford to replace them, so he had no workers to care for the farm and he didn’t want to do it himself, because he was too proud and arrogant, which lead him to his downfall.

With his beloved wife and farm gone, he spiralled down into a deep pit of depression, which resulted in not giving poor Mary a single thought. Instead, he used her. He no longer cared for her because he couldn't handle to look into her face each day, as it possessed his late wife's beauty.

An opportunity arose one day, her father's friend came to visit with a hidden agenda to propose to his daughter, Mary. Now that man was the embodiment of a despicable man. He didn't just treat his slaves like dirt, he treated everyone like a piece of trash. He found glory out of hitting his slaves until the bone showed and enjoyed to humiliate them. He saw women as mere sex objects to satisfy his lustful needs. Nothing more and nothing less.

Her father feared the day that his friend would come, for he knew he wanted to marry his daughter. Even though her father didn't pay her much thought or cared for her, he still loved her so it nauseated him when his friend commanded to wed her.

Sadly, her father had no choice. The man offered to pay him a fortune that he desperately needed and he figured that Mary would have a comfortable lifestyle and that people don't really marry for love, but instead for status and wealth, which Mary would gain.

He shook the man's hand making a bargain with the devil himself. This infuriated Mary because she knew damned well why that man wanted to marry her. Not out of love, but out of lust. She was to be his trophy. The idea repulsed her.

No money in the world would make her happy to marry that disgusting creature. But, nothing could change her greedy father's mind. So it was set, Mary was to be chained to that wretched man on her sixteenth birthday.

So, I think I've answered your question. You don't need to be a slave to be chained, because poor Mary might not be physically chained, but figuratively she is chained to a life that anyone would dread to have.


It's short I know. The chapters will be much longer, this was just to get the creativity flowing. what did you think? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments and vote if you liked this chapter x.

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