-Chapter 5-

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TW: There's a warning just before it happens, I don't wanna spoil the chapter for y'all ;)

Also, remember this is just a fanfic. Things that happen in this aren't true <3

Sky came out of surgery about an hour after he went in, which made it a lot easier for Ben. He hated when Sky was in surgery. Granted, he had only had to deal with him in surgery one time before this, but it still didn't mean he wasn't nervous for him.

Ben sat by his bed, just like before, and waited for him to wake up. He woke up a while later, but was so tired that he just went straight back to sleep. Ben played with his hair as he slept and decided now was a good time to call Josh because they were between shows anyway.


"Hey, Josh."

"Ben! How's Sky?"

"He's doing okay. He just came out of surgery."

"What? Surgery? Was it that bad?"


"Well, what did the doctors say?"

"They said that he had cartilage damage just like last time, but it wasn't as bad as they thought so he was in surgery for like an hour."

"Oh thank god!"

"And he should hopefully be back performing in two or three weeks, depending on how quickly he heals. Don't tell him that though, I don't want him to get his hopes up incase it takes him a bit longer."

"Okay, yeah I won't say anything."

"Thanks. Anyways, how was the show?"

"It wasn't that bad. We just weren't ourselves because we were all worrying about Sky. And we literally hadn't heard anything so we didn't know how serious it was."

"God, I would've been a wreck if i had to perform. I'm pretty sure Chris is coming back to the theatre now but I'm gonna stay here until the morning because they're keeping Sky in overnight."

"Makes sense. Do you want me to come visit after the show?"

"I don't know, it might be a bit much for Sky. I'll ask him when he wakes up and text you later."

"Okay. I need to get ready because places are in like five minutes, but I'll speak to you soon."

"Alright, bye Josh."

Ben put his phone back into his pocket and watched Sky as he slept with all the different machines beeping in the background. He felt so bad for what had happened to him, but the doctors sounded hopeful. He gently stroked his hair and kissed his forehead before getting up and going down to the vending machine in the hallway.

For some reason, Ben felt like the accident was his fault. Maybe it was karma because he'd been cheating on him with Josh?... Whatever it was, it made him feel horrible. He got some cash out of his wallet and payed for his snack before going back into Sky's room.

He sat down and started to eat, when a doctor came in, holding a chart. Ben looked up at him and stood up "is everything okay?...".

"Yes, everything is fine, we just have a few more questions about Sky".

Ben nodded, "go on".

"During the surgery we noticed some more scars on him that referenced that he's had another surgery".

"Yeah. I told you, he had another surgery on his knee".

"The scars weren't on his knee, Ben".

"This isn't my conversation to have" Ben told the doctor very bluntly.

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