-Chapter 9-

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"What are you doing here?..." Ben asked, looking really confused.

"I can see you haven't opened your special present yet" They smiled.

It was the girl from stagedoor. 

"Y-you need to leave, right now" Ben stuttered, not really knowing what to do. 

"But, we aren't even on a first name basis yet" She made her way into the room, closing the door behind her.

"What- Stop, I don't want you in here" He felt defenseless right now. There was a stranger that had followed him to his hotel room, and he really couldn't do anything about it. 

She stood with her back against the door and turned the lock slowly "I'm Maddison" She smiled, trying to act sweet now, "Come on, Ben".

"No, get out, you followed me. Get out!" He seemed more upset than angry right now. He took his phone out of his pocket to text Dan. He knew Josh wouldn't care, and even if Sky could help him, he wouldn't either. 

dannyboi 🗞🎬

<<<hwlp hotel room>>>

He had no idea if it sent, or if Dan would even come. He managed to close his phone before it was pulled out of his hand by Maddison. 

"You should be focussing on me right now, Benny, not your phone. Besides, we're gonna have enough fun as it is without anyone else joining us" She smirked, moving closer to him. 

Ben shook his head and moved further into the room, trying to get her away from the door. She followed him slowly. She gripped his shoulders and pushed him down onto the bed; it wasn't difficult considering she was almost the same height as him. "Stop it, stop it!" He shouted and pushed his hands again her waist.

"Aww, Ben, if you wanted to touch me-"

There was a knock at the door. 

Maddison went quiet, and so did Ben.

They knocked again "Ben?".

"W-Who is it?" He called, trying to act as normal as possible. Maddison got off him slowly.

Ben got up and rushed to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open quickly. She followed after him and wrapped his arm around his waist, earning an uncomfortable shiver from Ben.

"Who's this?" Sky asked quietly, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

Ben shook his head slightly and gave him a look of 'please save me' and pulled Maddison's hand off his waist. "Uh, this is Maddison. You were just leaving, right?" He turned to look at her, trying to take a step away from her subtly, but she refused to let go. 

"No I'm not, we'd only just started. You need to leave" She looked at Sky.

"Listen. If you don't leave right now, I will call the police on you and this will turn into a legal matter, got it?" Sky spoke sternly. 

"Fine." She gritted her teeth and grabbed the present that she'd bought for Ben. A small tracker fell out of the bag, just before she left. Ben picked it up slowly, his hands shook as he realised what it was.  

"What is that?" Sky asked, stepping into the room.

"I think... I think it's an airtag... One of those tracking things." Ben looked at Sky and then back down at the small disk in his hand. "S-She was tracking me..." He hugged Sky tightly, closing his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Sky. I mean it. I-" He was cut off by Sky. His lips pressed against Ben's gently. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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