An alternate ending to Eclipse

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I never expected to be facing the two loves of my life and having to choose one over the other.

Edwards golden eyes beamed into mine but Jacobs warmth was calling to me. 

Edward grazed my cheek and I winced and shivered from the frozeness that was hit hand. Immediately, Jacob  warmed me up. As he grazed my other cheek, Edward noticed the look Jacob was giving me. 

Edward slowly moved his hand from my cheek to Jacob's cheek. Jacob’s warmth and Edward’s cold touches are something I never imagined to combine. But now I know it’s everything I would ever want. My two best friends, two people I can never imagine living without.

It may just be that we were meant to be the thrupple everyone didn’t know the world needed. 

We fell onto each other’s bodies and kept quiet throughout the night as Charlie was asleep. 

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