living nightmare

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I had night the same night terrors that I had without Edward or Jacob being in my presence during the second book "New Moon".

I was about to wake up screaming but I felt like rock hard surfaces in my sleep. I opened my eyes to see that Edward and Jacob were spooning. No wonder I got night terrors, I wasn't the middle of the spoon. Or probably because I'm fucking gonna give birth to a literal human monser baby.

Edward reached out his hands,"Bella are you okay?" 

"Yeah I'm just perfect."

Charlie busted through the door with his shotgun and shot towards the ceiling. 

"You sons of hoes what are ya doing on my only daughter's bed." Charlie cocked the gun again. 

Edward and Jacob jumped up very hard 30 seconds later than they should've. 

I stood in front of the two of them because I knew my dad wouldn't want to hurt me like Edward did in the previous book. 

 Alice flew right through my window and began screaming, "BELLA. JAMES IS BACK"

"What? No. I tore him apart in the first book!" Edward started to tense up.

Charlie stood there with grave confusion and He wasn't ever supposed to know that vampires exist so he stood back and closed the door.

I took a step towards alice but then tripped on nothing and landed near my bed. As I look up everything is coddling me and wondering if I was fine. I wasn't fine, I felt the blood pour down my face.

"You hit your head on the edge of the bed" Jacob said as he took off his shirt to compression my wound.

"Classic Bella. Tripping is her personality" Edward chuckled. 

The last thing I saw were Jacob's tan abs. 

I woke up in the hospital with ringing in my eyes and a belly of a 9 month pregnant woman. What would Edward and Jacob think? It's only been one day since I knew. I've never felt so completed yet so miserable at the same time. 

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