fuck am I doing with my life

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"Jacob. Edward", I couldn't believe what I had seen. "I have something to tell you."

"Sure bella, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Jacob grabbed my hand. His warmth reassured me that everything would be alright. Edward's eyes were golden once again. I felt guilty as if I was about to make Edward go into a frenzy or rage.

"I'm late. My period is late. I know this sounds crazy but I think I'm pregnant. That night we had....you both came inside me...remember?" My already pale face has gone whiter. I started to see things in a blur; I really could not handle the pressure of their response. I sat down in defeat and watched Edward go into a shock as Jacob couldn't stop stammering. 

There was silence for quite a time. I'd say it felt like 20 minutes but it might have been 5. Suddenly Alice, with a panicked look in her golden eyes came, busted through the door of my room bearing shocking news. 

"Bella. Edward...Jacob. I-I...I saw something. I have no idea what it is. It will come in the path of all of your futures. You know that I can't see past the future of wolves but whatever this is...is something never seen in history. I saw Bella in pain and I-" Alice's voice started to choke..."I can't see her future anymore." Alice showed us a sketch she drew of the exact thing she described. I wondered if it was my baby. I held my belly with my shaky hand and I knew that this was a start to something new. A terrible start.

Jacob started to freak out and I could tell by his hard expression. I could see the skepticism in his eyes "You don't think that it is because of us three...do you?" 

For the first time in what seemed like forever, Edward finally said something "well no shit."

Alice had a confused gaze as to what could happen. When she pieced things together Edward gave her a nod. That's when she knew her sign to leave. 

"Well this is awkward. I'll see you later, Bella" Alice ran out the window after she pulled me into a hug. you could see her in the distance climbing trees. But even I know that this distance is not far enough for her not to hear our conversation. 

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